Chat 124

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Juan Gómez De Liaño

You can stay here in our house, Cali.


I'm doing good now, don't worry. Thank you very much for rescuing me, again.

Juan Gómez De Liaño

I'm always here for you, you can always talk to me or to mom.
Or everyone in our family.
Don't ever talk to liquor or anything that has something to do with alcohol.


I'm sorry. I'm not going to that anymore.

Juan Gómez De Liaño



But what happened?
I only remembered one thing.

Juan Gómez De Liaño

What was your last memory then?


I was thrown out of the bar. But I am sure that I told you my problem and I don't know what else did I do.

Juan Gómez De Liaño

I'll tell you the whole story when we meet later.


You need to.
Did you call my parents?

Juan Gómez De Liaño

I tried.


They won't even give a damn about me. They have their own different families to be taken care of.

Juan Gómez De Liaño

They love you. I'm sure of that.


So that was love does?
Keep secrets, sugar coat things, keep the family intact in front of me, act like we're a family even though we're not. If that what love does then I don't want to love anymore.

Juan Gómez De Liaño

They just don't want you to have a breakdown like that, Cali.


They knew I had trust issues and they did that.

Juan Gómez De Liaño

Cali, let's not talk about this.
Take a rest first.


I will. Thank you, again.
Tell tita Anna that I'm doing good.

Juan Gómez De Liaño

Okay, take care of yourself, Cali.
Call me when you need something.

Monday, 09:30 AM √

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