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     With trepidation, you followed after Billy into Malia's Birthday party. His fingers weren't interlaced with yours, nor was his attention on the words you had been saying on the way over. He was distant, almost cold in the way he wouldn't hold your hand or wrap a protective arm around your shoulders. Something was off and you weren't sure what it was.

You and Malia had been friends since elementary, it wasn't until high school that things became a little rocky. Things changed once Jo came into the picture. Everyone failed to see how malicious she truly was, behind the kind eyes and straight A's, Jo was like a viper; pretty to look at but her words dripped with venom.

She had sunk her fangs into you during freshman year, her relentless cruelty had torn you apart limb by limb. There wasn't a day that you didn't dread going to school.

By your senior year, you had made the big move from Crown Point to Hawkins, in order to live with your aunt and cousin Carol - she was snarky and moody, but she never shied away from sticking up for you.

"I'm gonna go grab a drink, you want anything?" he grumbled, not paying much attention to the sullen look on your face. "Rum and coke?"

"Sure." you murmured, glancing around at the other partygoers.

Before Billy could disappear into the crowd, you hooked a finger through one of his belt loops to avoid getting separated.

To your surprise, the warmth of his palm covered your hand. He pulled you into his back as he brought your hand in front of his chest, quickly pressing a kiss to your knuckles before guiding you through the sea of commotion.

The small act of affection was enough to show you that your Billy was still there, hidden just beneath the surface of his forbidding exterior.

Leading you to the drink table, he began mixing the rum and cola. The living room was littered with party goers, though it didn't feel cramped, as the tall windows that covered the wall made the small space feel massive. The view was incredible, Malia's parents were adamant in having a home that overlooked the lake, which was lucky for you as the two of you spent many summers cooling off, down by the docks.

"Y/N!" Malia squealed as she engulfed you in a tight hug. Your drink sloshed around in your red solo cup, spilling onto your wrist as you nearly choked.

"Hey Mal, happy birthday." you grinned, spinning around to give her a proper hug.

Straightening up with a big smile, she adjusted the costume tiara that had slipped from the commotion. Her hair was much shorter since the last time you had seen her. It was strange seeing her without braces; you could only imagine how great it must had felt to have them taken off as she had them on since the eighth grade.

"The big one-eight," she sighed happily, running her hands down her sides as she gave you a little shimmy. "I'm so happy you could make it. God, it's been so long. We should've kept in touch."

"Yeah." you murmured, pulling your lips into a tight line. "I guess you didn't get my letters, huh?"

"No, no I got them. I was just super duper busy," she explained, suddenly contradicting her desire to stay in touch. "Maybe give me a ring sometime, yeah?"

Swallowing roughly, you gave her a sad smile. "Yeah, for sure."

Sucking in a sharp breath, Malia gapped at you in awe. With a furrowed brow you returned a questioning look. It wasn't until you felt the same warmth against your skin as before, that you eased into Billy's touch as he pulled you into his side.

"You must be the birthday girl." Billy grinned, his hand slithering down your arm before resting on your hip. His eyes not leaving hers as he took a sip of his drink.

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