Pressed Flowers - The Late Bloomers Club

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Summary: A winter break getaway with some old friends makes for an uncomfortable time. Billy slowly begins to understand why you are such a "Nervous Nelly"

Serie's Summary: You had always been a late bloomer, but no one expected you to wind up in the arms of Hawkins newest keg king, Billy Hargrove. This story is full of awkward firsts and painful confessions; welcome to The Late Bloomers Club.

Warnings: Coarse language, sexual themes/content, second-hand embarrassment, mentions of insecurity and bullying, deals with/mention of Billy's abuse (from his dad)

Late December

     The drive was maybe an hour outside of Hawkins, but with the slippery roads, it added on another two. You didn't mind, not in the slightest, especially considering the night before you were sick with nerves - the longer it would take, the better. Billy's hand gently patted your thigh as he could practically feel your anxiety radiating off of you.

"I want to give you something," he announced whilst glancing in the rearview mirror, double checking to make sure Tommy and Carol were out like a light. "It's been like three months, and I don't know, I wanted to give you something."

"Me?" you asked, completely taken by surprise.

"Yeah you." he laughed, sliding his hand into the breast pocket of his denim coat, as he steered with one hand. Billy pulled out the thick silver ring he wore twenty-four seven and handed it to you.

"You're giving me your ring?" You beamed, turning it round in your palm before sliding it onto your middle finger. "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I want you to have it. I'm sorry it's nothing fancy, but I thought you'd like it." He shrugged, trying to play off the sweet gesture as nonchalance.

"No, no, I love it." You said as you pulled your hand to your chest, fondly running your thumb over the cool metal. "I love yo-I love how thoughtful you are."

"Yeah?" he asked, stifling the grin that was dying to spread across his lips. "Well, good. I wanna keep my girl happy."

The heartfelt conversation was cut rather short as Billy rounded the bend, which woke Carol from her restful slumber.

"I've gotta pee," she announced as she hung off the back of your headrest, now becoming restless from the long car ride. "Can we stop somewhere?"

"There's nowhere to stop," Billy gestured to the surrounding forest as he drove down the back roads. "I told you to go, at the gas station before we left town."

"Fuck." She grumbled under her breath as she slammed back against her seat, shaking her leg with impatience.

"I have some tissues and hand sanitizer in my backpack, if you want, you could go in the forest." You said with a small smile as you twisted around to look at her. In all honesty, Carol intimidated you quite a bit but she had grown on you since the first few encounters you had.

"Just piss on the side of the road." Tommy groaned, just wanting to get to the cabins already. Nearly an hour into the ride which had succeeded the anticipated destination arrival time, everyone was beginning to feel both restless and sick of each other - and by everyone, it was Tommy and Carol due to their lack of leg space.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I can't just whip out my dick and piss wherever I please, Thomas," Carol growled in his face.

Before the two could get into a heated argument that would most definitely end in a heated make-out session or death, you nudged Billy and gave him a pleading gaze. If the car ride up to the cabins, was even the slightest inkling as to how the remainder of the trip would play out, it wasn't going to be a very relaxing vacation.

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