Classy Escort

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"Hey kids! What y'all doing up so late? Y'all waited up to see me get back Y'all so nice." Nancy tried to place a kiss on her sons head. Izzy moved his head away in disgust.

"You need to brush your teeth. Yo breath smell like shit real talk," Izzy told his mother.

"Well that's the smell of making money if you get my drift," explained Nancy on her way upstairs.

"How much money does an escort make?" Olivia asked.

"Wait did Nancy tell you guys that that's her job?"

"Yeah we asked her," said Olivia.

"Nuh uh thot. Um you asked her not me," explained Octavia.

"Who you calling a thot you sqaully!" Olivia said before she and her twin started Molly wopping each other.

"Guys stop right now who taught you them words?" Izzy asked furiously.

"Mom calls us it all the time. "

Izzy ran upstairs to his mothers room. "Why the hell you tell the twins that you're a prostitute?" Izzy shouted towards his mom.

"Well they asked and I'm not a prostitute I'm a escort. It sounds more classy, " said Nancy.

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