Ice cream🍦

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Third point

"thank you everyone and goodnight!" Jonah said into the mic. It was 11 and their show just had finished, they were in New York and the new york shows were always the biggest and loudest; Everytime they come off the stage all sweaty and tired, but full of energy at the same time.

They walked off the stage and grabbed their waters that were in a small mini fridge near the door towards their dressing rooms. "I'm pooped" Daniel said as he plopped down on the couch beside jonah. "ya me too, you can never come out of these shows without having the urge to sleep right after"

" WHAT! you guys are a bunch of losers! I want ice cream who wants to come" zach said wiggling his eyebrows. "not me, i'm going back to the hotel"

"Honestly zach I have no clue how you want ice cream but I'll come" said daniel " I'm gonna go with jonah, Gabbie wants me to facetime her"

"ok how about you corbyn?" jonah said as he turned his head to see a sleeping bean passed out on the floor. Jonah sighed as he picked him up and waved to zach and daniel before leaving with jack on his right and corbyn bundled up on his left.

"YAYAY ICEEE CREAM HERE WE COMEE!" zach yelled as he took daniel's hand and led him out the door and onto the street. Daniel couldn't help but feel the heat rise to his cheeks when zach grabbed his hand. Daniel smiled to himself as he held onto zach's hand a little bit stronger than before.

"zach can you slow down i don't want to run" daniel whined "ugh fin but if there closed it your fault" daniel laughed and shook his head yes to let zach know he heard him.

They walked in silence as cars drove past them, the stores and building lights providing them there light for the night. Hand in hand they walked with the wind blowing in both their brown locks, with one of them eventually parting their hands to fixed the strands that moved in between their eyes; but for them to connect hands again. Zach couldn't help but look down at the connected hands, then back up daniel. if only he felt the same zach sighed and looked back down at his shoes as they made their way to the ice cream parlor.

Soon Zach saw the blinking of a pink brown and white light in the distance with a cone shaped sign that said " karma's cones" zach jumped up and down once he saw the lights and turned to daniel " CMON ITS RIGHT THERE"

Daniel laughed again as zach took his hand once more and ran toward the lights. Zach squealed in excitement as they entered the cold but slightly warm room. Daniel watched the smaller boy point to each flavor he desired on his cone with the biggest smile on his face and his eyes wide with amazement. "dani what do you want?" zach turned to the older male with the same big smile, "um i'll have just a vanilla cone please"

Zach turned to the middle aged woman and told her the order and tried to quickly but sneakily take his wallet out to pay. Right as zach was pulling out his credit card daniel handed it to the lady first and smiled down at the smaller boy " my treat" A small blush crept onto zach's face as he put his card down " n-no dani please i dragged you out here" Daniel smiled wide and answered " who said I didn't want to be dragged out here" Zach's cheeks were now a deep red and his blush was clearly visible now. He looked down and smiled as he put his wallet away.

"You two make a very cute couple" the woman said." O-oh were not a c-couple" zach answered daniel frowned a bit but didn't make it obvious and smiled again "oh! well then I think you should, I wouldn't let the one I love go. But you are still young, just don't leave the people you love because that's the wrong choice"


" yes honey, love. I can see it in your smile, your eyes, your connection, its just so passionate. Something you don't see often. "

Daniel looked at the lady with a shocked expression on his face as he took his and zach ice creams, handing the bigger cone to zach. " t-thank you" zach said and rushed out. I immediately walked out after him but the woman said something to me " Please don't leave him, he loves you, he loves you with a love so passionate you can never stop it. Now you may be young, but love is love, so just please. don't leave him" daniel stopped in his steps and shook his head " I promise" and left the little shop on the lookout for zach.

After walking around he found zach at a little bench near one of the big buildings with lights. Daniel sat down beside zach and licked his ice cream. " What'd she say" zach muttered quietly taking another lick of his cone. " She said to never leave you, never leave you alone without me because that could slowly break you, having the one you love gone can be the worst pain anyone can bare, especially with this kind of love. She said we have a love so passionate its too strong to break, even with us so young." Daniel looked down at his other half and put his hand into zach slowly. " what'd you say?" zach whispered quietly again. " I promised to never leave you, to never leave the love of my life alone without anyone to hold."

"you promise"

"I promise"

Zach squeezed Daniels hand and looked up into daniel piercing blue orbs. "daniel.." "I love you" Zach closed his eyes and pushed his head u to meet daniel's, he opened his eyes " I love you, more than anything in the world."

Daniel closed the small gap between them, grabbing onto zach's waist pulling him closer. Zach gently placed his hands on the back of daniel's neck and pulled back. With tears in his eyes zach placed his head on daniel's chest and wrapped his arms around his waist. Daniel lifted zach onto his lap and held him gently with a smile on his face as he rocked them back and forth slowly.

"please..don't leave me daniel"

"I love you too much to do that"

With their phones ringing in their pockets from the boys wondering where they were, the small, middle aged woman watched from the window in her parlor, smiling happily. The two boys stay hugging onto each other tightly, arms wrapped around the other, heads buried into the others neck, bodies closer than ever before, staying in that same position for minutes, before getting up and walking home hand in hand, finally together.

Idk if this is good or not, I haven't been writing for awhile😖

Oh and btw I loveeee making sad ones so I'm sorry if there is not many cute ones but I'll try

Word count: 1195

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