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Hey guys it's been awhile...well I know I said I was done with write but I've lately missed this community more than ever, and I have many ideas I don't know what to do with so here I am. Sorry if this one is bad, I'm a little rough since I haven't written one in forever.

Title: Callin'
Warnings: None
Ship: Dorbyn

Third person

"Hey it's Daniel! Sorry I can't pick up the phone right now, but leave a message and I'll get back to you soon!"

Corbyn heard for what seemed like the millionth time, but he never got bored of the same old thing he heard over and over again. He smiled instead of sniffled, something he learned when he ran out of tears since Daniel left him.

Corbyn can't be mad at the boy, it was his fault Daniel left. Corbyn has never realized it during the relationship, but he loved Daniel. He wished he new that before Daniel finally had the last draw with him, saying goodbye one last time and walking out of Corbyn's room.

Corbyn questioned himself every single second of the day. Why did he let Daniel slip away?

So as the days went bye and there was no answer from his phone, no driving passed corbyns house late at night to go out and do something adventures even when they had a fight earlier that day, no calls from Daniels mother asking how he was doing since she was always at work, and no Anna coming over with Daniel as she hung out with Ashley, Corbyn was heartbroken.

He knew he fucked up. He knew he fucked up big time. So that's why he called. He called over and over again, until that one day Daniel stopped his call. It made him happy, even though it was a bad move from Daniel. It made Corbyn happy that atleast Daniel got the calls from Corbyn, and atleast Daniel stopped the millionth call from Corbyn that showed Corbyn cared for Daniel.

When Daniel walked out that door on a Sunday night, corbyns sky went completely dark. But when Daniel finally, finally, stopped the call, his clouds slowly went away.

It wouldn't look like a good thing if your ex stopped your call but to Corbyn it mean everything. It shows Daniel that Corbyn cared, and that's all he wanted. All he wanted was Daniel to see that he cared, and so one night he had an idea.

Corbyn sped his way over to Daniels, a big smile on his face, just wanting to see Daniel for just maybe, one more time.

Soon the familiar house came into view and the drops on corbyns windshield got louder. A big swing of thunder made him wince but he quickly parked his car, getting out with the daises he had in his hand. Daniels favorite.

He walked up the the door and knocked twice, hoping Daniel would come get him in the pouring rain. Corbyn leaned back and forth on his feet and smiled, patiently waiting for Daniel. He hoped he would come down, or atleast look through the door windows, but he didn't.

The rain seemed to get heavier and the thunder got louder as the minutes and soon to be hours passed by. But Corbyn waited, he waited until the tv from inside stopped blaring, and the lights in the kitchen turned off.

Corbyn pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Daniel, hoping he would answer and let Corbyn in. But Daniel didn't answer, he never did. So the the message Corbyn got every single time passed through his ears and he smiled, his voice making him remember all the good times they had together.

Corbyn left a message with a shuddering speech, cold from the rain and the temperature. As Corbyn swung back and forth on his feet the only light left in the house, Daniels room, turned off.

Corbyn was left in the darkness, soaking wet from the rain, droopy daises in his hands and his phone in his other hand. Yet Corbyn smiled still, knowing Daniel was getting his proper sleep he needed.

But Corbyn called just one last time. Wanting to hear his voice before he left the house that held so many memories. As the phone rang and rang, Corbyn got ready to hear the small voice memo he hard thousands of times a day.

But Corbyn, in the pouring rain holding now soggy daises, didn't hear a beep with a message. Instead, he heard the loving voice of Daniel James Seavey. And Corbyn smiled. He answered.

hows was it??



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