Chapter Three

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Pandora woke up, refreshed and happy. She thought about the previous night before opening her eyes to the world. Things had gone so well with Jillian yesterday. They'd had fun watching 'Cat Lost in Time', then when she had started to yawn Jillian brought her upstairs, tucked her into bed and kissed her goodnight on the forehead. She smiled – her first real smile since Charlotte fell into a coma. Happily, she opened her eyes, and was faced with an unwelcome sight.

Raven floated before her, watching her thoughtfully. "You must be thinking of something lovely." She gave a slight upturn of her lips, looking at her intently. "I'm here to remind you that you only have a day left. Any progress on defeating me? You're not going to try the salt?"

Pandora scowled and considered throwing her pillow at the demon. She thought better of it though, and instead clutched it to her chest. She flushed as she caught sight of Raven's long nails and remembered them touching her yesterday outside the church. The demon smiled knowingly and clicked her claws together. Pandora turned away in embarrassment.

Before she could take a breath, Raven was by her side, turning her face towards her. She knelt down and stooped to her height. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather spend your last day with me, instead of doing boring research on how to perform a proper exorcism?" She ran her talons through Pandora's hair sensuously. "I can do a lot of things... with these."

Pandora swallowed hard and looked away, licking her lips. There's that feeling again... I want her. Why? Why, when I don't even want my own girlfriend that way, do I want her?

Receiving no answer, Raven slowly lowered the girl down to the bed beneath her, running her nails across her thin pink nightshirt. The fabric bunched as they moved across it, exposing Pandora's midriff slightly as the demon watched. Gently, Raven kissed the revealed flesh.

As her black lips came in contact with her skin, Pandora gasped, feeling pleasure run throughout her body in a jolt straight to her core. Raven hooked a nail under the edge of her nightshirt, raising it up easily over Pandora's stomach and chest. She stared intently at the enthralled girl as the fabric lifted away from her torso and gathered near her neck. Pandora's face colored even more as her soft pink nipple hardened in the brisk morning air, but she made no move to stop her.

The demon bent down, never breaking eye contact, and flicked her cold wet tongue over the girl's uncovered bud. At that, Pandora snapped out of her hold and promptly sat up. She looked away and pulled the shirt back over herself, making sure everything was covered. She took a shaky breath as she realized both her nipples had hardened and now poked visibly through the silky material. Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she met Raven's eyes once more.

"No... I can't do this with you."

Raven spoke in her ear, tendrils of invisible smoke reaching their way around her as her voice chimed. "Why not? Didn't you like it?"

Pandora panted at the sensation, almost unable to get her next words past her lips. "I... I did, but..." She blushed deeper than she thought possible. "No, I didn't... Leave... please."

Raven backed away, never looking away from the shaken up girl. "I'll see you tomorrow, my slave. I'll enjoy taking your soul. I'll leave you to think on exactly  how that will happen." With that she faded away, her eyes being the last to leave. They seemed to sear their way into Pandora's soul.

Pandora stared at the spot she had disappeared into for several minutes, lost for words. Her blood ran cold at the thought of actually owing her soul to someone, let alone someone evil. Finally, a shout from downstairs broke her train of thought.

"Pandora, do you want breakfast? How about eggs?" Her dad's voice strained cheerfulness, she could tell. Sometimes, she knew him better than he did himself. He was wrought through from what was happening with Charlotte, the doctors still unable to find any clues as to why she had slipped into her coma, and there as of yet being no change with her. Charlotte and their dad shared a special bond, Pandora knew.

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