Chapter Six

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When Pandora awoke the next morning, she felt Raven's arms wrapped close around her. Smiling at the gesture, she relaxed into her grasp. Listening to the demon gently breathe against her, she giggled quietly. You say you don't like me, and I know I don't necessarily understand demons, but you sure act like you want to be with me.

Stirring at her small giggle, Raven fluttered her eyes open, taking in the girl before her. "Good morning," she muttered against her.

"Good morning, sleepy." Pandora attempted to get up, but with Raven's arms closed tight around her waist she fell back to the bed. She laughed. "We do need to get up. We have school, you know."

With a sigh, Raven unfolded her arms and sat up. "Is school necessary today? I don't know how much more I can handle of Algebra. I didn't understand any of it."

"Well, I can always teach you." Pandora smiled encouragingly, sitting up as well.

"You'd do that?" The demon peered at her incredulously. "Why?"

"Of course! I don't want to see you fail, like Matthew." The red-head frowned at the thought, memories of him being the target of the teacher swimming to the surface of her mind. Poor guy, he's always getting picked on by Eggbright. "We can start before class, if you want. Let's get there early today and we'll look through some chapters." Jumping up from the bed, she held out her hand to Raven, who took it. Pandora pulled the demon to her feet.

"Thank you. I appreciate the gesture." Raven tucked a stray strand of hair behind Pandora's ear, and the girl blushed at the contact. She considered the floor as her face turned a dark shade of strawberry.

"Sure! I know you love to read, so it should be a breeze for you to take it in." Looking up, she met her eyes. "Come on, let's get some breakfast and then we'll head out."


At the breakfast table, Charlotte did her very best to ignore Raven. Just a little bit more. Then Pandora and I can be rid of her for good... She glanced up from her scrambled eggs and stole a glance at them. Her eyes flickered in anger as she saw they were holding hands under the table. I really don't know what's going on between them, but I don't like it. Looking back to her food, she took a vicious bite of the yellow matter, envisioning it to be Raven's face.

Hearing the sharp clang of Charlotte's fork against her teeth, Pandora looked over in concern, glimpsing her irritated face. "You okay, Char?" She furrowed her brow in concern.

Composing herself as best she could, Charlotte replied with a smile. "Of course, I'm just nervous about school. We have a big test coming up in one of my classes."

"Oh, okay." She pursed her lips, still worried. "Well, just take it easy. If you need a break, let the teacher know. I'm sure everyone will understand. You did just come out of the hospital." She reached over and patted Charlotte's shoulder in comfort.

Charlotte nodded, returning her gaze to her breakfast. "Of course, sis. Thanks."

Pandora nodded, and Charlotte watched out of the corner of her eye as she reached back under the table to hold the demon's hand. I'll stop this if it's the last thing I do.

Shortly after breakfast, Pandora and Raven meandered to the front door and grabbed their bags, Charlotte still sitting at the table, drinking the last swallows of her coffee.

"Are you two headed to school early?" The girls' dad beamed proudly from his seat at the table across from Charlotte. "I'm so happy, girls. Going to do some studying?" Standing up, he busily began to collect the dishes.

"Yeah, Raven wanted some help with Algebra." Pandora smiled at her, squeezing her hand.

Charlotte snorted in laughter, shaking her head. The three turned to look at her in bewilderment. "Yeah, I'm sure she needs it."

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