Chapter Ten

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After class, Charlotte did her best to keep her head down and walk out unnoticed. She didn't want any conversation from concerned classmates about what had happened when she recited the tongue twister. Scowling she whispered quietly to the demon behind her. "Bael, I can't believe you did that. I was so embarrassed."

Bael let out a tortured laugh in Charlotte's ear, making her blanch. "I told you I was going to play games with you, dear. If you're not fond of that one, there are other more... unpleasant games we could play..." Charlotte felt the demon's sharp teeth exposing themselves in a grim smile.

Barely able to get her words out, Charlotte backpedaled. "N-no, no. It's okay, this is absolutely fine."

"Good... to... hear..." Bael emphasized each word with a scratch down Charlotte's back. The tender flesh leaked crimson, leaving the girl hissing in pain. Just ignore it... walk...

Looking down as she tried to mentally numb the pain, Charlotte crashed headfirst into someone, landing on her back. She cried out in shock and pain as the fibers of her shirt pressed firmly into the fresh cuts. What is with all the times I've landed on my back lately? I'm surprised I'm not seriously injured already!

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" A sweet, apologetic voice sounded out. The girl reached a hand down to help her up.

Charlotte took it, letting the stranger pull her to her feet. Brushing herself off, Charlotte looked up into the eyes of the girl. Her eyes widened in astonishment. "Claire?" Perfect, just who I needed to see, the Pastor's daughter I mentioned to Bael.

"H-hi Charlotte..." Claire trailed off, giving her white sneakers a thorough examination. She snuck a glance up at Charlotte, then looked quickly back down.

Charlotte chuckled softly. "Shy as ever, I see."

"I-I'm not shy!" Claire gave the girl a stern look, her lips pursing, which only served to make her appear adorable. She crossed her arms. All in all, the pastor's daughter looked like an angry kitten.

Charlotte took in her small but mighty stance and snorted in laughter, shaking her head as she giggled. "Oh Claire, you're so cute."

Claire colored deeply and gasped softly, her hand over her mouth. "You... You think I'm cute?"

Charlotte stepped close, brushing Claire's long blonde hair away from her face. The pastor's daughter blushed at the contact, and the heat radiating against her from Charlotte's body. "Of course I do, Claire. How could anyone not?"

The embarrassed girl reddened even more at that, biting her lip as she looked anywhere but at Charlotte's face. The latter chuckled, stepping back from her to let her calm down.

This is the perfect opportunity to ask her out on a date... I know she's been wanting that. It's plain as day. Charlotte smiled, reaching forward and tilting Claire's chin up. The girl trembled at her touch.

"Hey, Claire... Do you want to hang out after school today? It could be fun to get coffee together."

Claire's face lit up at the mention of spending time with Charlotte. "R-really? Sure, I'd love to!" She twirled a stray strand of hair around her index finger, beaming at the brunette as Charlotte dropped her hand. She smiled back.

"It's settled then, let's meet here after last period. Oh, and Claire?" Charlotte bent forward, putting her face inches away from the girl's, who colored even more than would seem possible. "You are totally shy." She backed up, giving her an impish grin.

Claire glowered, turning away and hurrying to her next class. "Bye Charlotte... See you after school," she called over her shoulder without looking.

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