Chapter Two

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The third time I saw him I was prepared.

Daemon had said that he was bringing a friend over with him and I questioned him ruthlessly. And when I finally got my answer I regretted even asking.

"Daemon, please I'm begging you don't bring him here!" I pleaded with him, "What is your problem with him? You both got along fabulously at the ball a couple months ago! There are rumors going around that you two fucked in the trees and that the Queen knew what was going on and was just jealous so she sent you home. Is it true?" He had a devilish grin etched onto his face. I gave him an appalled look and glanced around to make sure none of my siblings were around, nor my parents.

"Mr. Stryker you should know better than to use such vulgar language in this house!" Though amusement shone in my eyes as I said these words. "You didn't deny it, so that's a yes." A truly horrified look crossed onto my face and stayed there as a blush crept up onto it; he just laughed harder. "And why fair maiden- I take that back, for you are no maiden! Are you blushing?" I gave him a look and glanced around, again no one. "We might have kissed." He nearly tripped. It was my turn to laugh at this man who thought I did not know he loved me.

Jealousy flashed across his face and stayed in his eyes. I did not feel ashamed, or guilty, I only felt amused at having played him so well. "Well, then, he is um...-" he paused and scratched the back of his neck, then continued hesitantly, "Due here in a couple minutes.... I might not have mentioned that you live here, or that this is the Veleris residence in general." He was slow to say this, due to the fact that, (even though he had gone to war), he knew I would hurt him physically if he said the wrong thing.

I glared at him but continued to the foyer of the mansion I hated to call my house. "Oh, look who it is! It's our slut of a sister! With whom? Oh, just the usual. Seeing him out, now are we? Good! I was wondering when the trash would leave the house!" Felicity exclaimed as I walked into the foyer, her voice the equivalent of a cat scratching a chalk board, she was lounging on the chaise at the top of the stairs with her twin sister Lucille; who was laughing, a high-pitched sort of snort- not very pleasing to the ear. I felt Daemon tense next to me and held up my hand as a sign that, no, he could not murder my obnoxious younger sisters.

That was my privilege.

A knock sounded on the door and my sisters looked at each other and snickered as I opened it. He was glorious even in everyday clothing. I heard my sister's soft gasps and the snap of their fans as they took him in. "Do come in Mr..." I realized that I had not learned his last name yet- I still wonder how, given his station in the court. "Altheos. It's a pleasure to see you, yet again, Miss. Veleris." He said, his voice still as cool as the first time I heard it. I heard one of my sister's gasp and Daemon chuckled at them. "The pleasure is all mine Mr. Altheos. It's nice to know your last name, finally." I held my hand out and he stooped down and kissed it, not breaking eye contact. My breath hitched when his lips came in contact with my skin.

"Come in." I said my voice strained to anyone who knew me well, and I knew he could see the emotional battle going on inside me right now. He raised an eyebrow and smirked. I wanted to wipe the smirk from his lips.

"Daemon after many hours of persuasion finally told me who was coming to my house. It is terribly rude of me not to introduce my younger sisters, Felicity and Lucille. Twins." I said as I pointed them out. They both smiled and acted as flirty as they could, which did not suit them; it was very disturbing to be honest. "Follow me." I stated and started on my way to the west library. Daemon excused himself by saying that he needed to return something to Fredrick.


"I'm sorry. I was rude to you at the end of the ball."

"Would you like a drink?"

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