Chapter Four

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The next thing I knew Odin was pushing me against a wall, leaving a sloppy trail of kisses down my neck. Odin is horrible at being a lover. I heard Damarion chuckle at my comment. Then imagine he's me. I moaned to keep Odin going, If I imagine he's you I'm going to get a bad impression of what you're like in bed. And I know that you're good in bed. I heard him chuckle again, And you know this how? This was a hard one, The way you hold yourself. You reek confidence and you know exactly what to say to make women fall at your feet. I've seen you do it before, besides, I'm almost positive you took my virginity. "Is everything alright?" Odin asked me. "Yes, I'm just not sure I'm ready for this. Don't take it the wrong way Odin. You were very, very enticing. 'Don't sound too disgusted.' I am also very tired. If you'll excuse me?" I asked as politely as I could, "Yes of course, go ahead." I could feel his eyes on my ass as I walked away.

I knew he was in my room. Still gave me a heart attack anyway. "Would you like me to show you how I am in bed? Or are you tired?" He was teasing me. Again. "No and no, what you can do is have a bath drawn up for me and stay and take it with me." I could feel his eyes questioning me again but he complied and soon he was waiting for me to undress and join him in the bath, it took the majority of my will power not to turn around and watch him undress. "Are you ever going to join me?" He asked, curiosity lacing his words. "Right now, I'm content to watch you." He raised an eyebrow at that. But it was the truth, he was glorious. In clothing and out of it. He fit perfectly into the bath tub as if he was created with it, his black hair falling like waves around his face, the magic that usually held it in place gone. The shirts never did his chest justice either.

"Are you going to stand there and stare all night, or are you going to join me? The water will get cold after a while, you know." A smirk crept onto his face. I turned my back to him and asked if he could unlace my dress, pulling my hair over my shoulder as I did so. I heard the water fall as he rose out of it, nearly silent as a ghost he came over and unlaced the back of my dress, letting it fall to the ground as his hand came to rest on my hip. I shivered at his touch, "I cannot do this." It was more of a statement than anything else. I felt his body tense and I turned to look at him. "I cannot give myself whole heartedly to you when I know I shall be engaged to a Prince soon." His eyes betrayed nothing, and I raised my hand tentatively to trace the side of his face; he didn't try to stop me. "I have given you myself when I knew this would be the outcome. Come, do not act as if they are worth your time when in truth they aren't. I know you better than you think and I know that you will not be happy in any marriage you choose." His voice was like iron melting into my soul, but the words were spoken softly.

He turned and began dressing. "I'll cut the link then." His voice void of emotion. "Alright." I replied. I had turned back to staring out my window focusing on the calming look of the moon on the lake right outside my house. "What about your sword?" It was sitting by the window. He sighed and turned placing his jacket on my shoulders, "Keep it. The jacket and the sword. You'll need it soon." His voice was sad as he said the word soon. "Teach me." My voice was strained; I was trying to get him stay after I was the one who pushed him away. So pathetic. "You know how to use a sword." Was his immediate response. "Not as well as you." I retorted. He gave me a look, then picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bed, placing a soft kiss to my forehead. He turned to go after setting me down, "I'm sorry." Was all I could muster even though I knew that a set of words would be the trigger to unleashing the flood gates of emotions within him.

"Sorry won't always be enough." His voice cold and venomous. And, like the way he came, he walked into the Shadows and disappeared.

The bath forgotten, I laid in bed, pondering my situation. I could either marry Odin and spark a war, my own doing, or marry Demetri and not have a war but endless suffering in a loveless relationship.

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