Chapter Three

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When I came too I was in my house, in my bed. The curtains were drawn back, and light filtered in from the windows; I could see the dust dancing there, hear the birds two miles away, and the heartbeats of everyone in the house. 

But Damarion was there.

My dark king who was always meant to stay near.

I realized I wasn't breathing, naturally I started to. "I wouldn't breathe in if I were you." His voice had doubled, with hints of darkness and velvet- how was that possible? His voice was already smooth, how could it be that way? "Why not?" I asked, and I could taste him in the air, the way his skin smelled, and his blood, a scent that clung to him. Saliva filled my mouth and I resisted the urge to rip out his throat. Resisted it because I knew this would be the same with all the people I would be near and I didn't want to kill everyone. "Because you've just made the universe's first vampire. And, the Prince of Asgard is here to see you; and ripping out his throat would be unwise."

He came closer and I began to notice things about him, I'm surprised I had never noticed them until then. The way the light hit his skin made him look as if he had been sculpted out of the finest materials, or how his shirts always seemed to be too small but fit perfectly. And the way his eyes sparkled when he looked at me.


He loved me and I had been too much of a naive girl to realize that this man whom I wanted, and somehow needed, had loved me since he saw me. Was he playing me? I prayed not. "I need to tell you something first." I nodded my head signaling him to go on, praying that it was time to confess our feelings. But this was Damarion and I, not young lovers in the night driven by wine and passion. I was asking too much of the situation. "I'm the Stranger. I understand that you will have to process that, take your time." His tone was soft, gentle and cautious; I still was expecting confessions, it took a moment for me to understand that he had just proclaimed himself a god. Which given the danger that radiated from him and the tones- what was wrong with me?! A man had just said he was a god and all I could think of was the logical reasoning?

"I need fresh air." I said, pushing myself up even though my body was protesting. Maids rushed around me, preparing me- where had they come from? Damarion never once looked away. I could feel his eyes roaming over my body. I've never been ashamed of my body, and somehow, I knew he would enjoy looking. They clothed me in white robes and left my hair down. Mother would kill me if she knew the real reason why I was bedridden, and that a man above my station was watching me get dressed.

"Mr. Altheos if you are so comfortable with watching me get dressed why don't you help me undress later?" I asked not caring what gossip would soon surround the pair of us- he may be the Queen's lapdog but gossip still followed him no matter what. How could it not? A man as fine as him in the courts eye 24/7 should have rumors circulating about him. "I do not believe that wise Miss. Veleris, seeing you are being courted by two Princes. And your mother is not fond of me." His voice like velvet on a summers day. I glanced at him and his eyes traveled back up to mine.

Onyx vs Chestnut.

My eyes broke the contest to opt for roaming over how well his body fit into the suit he was wearing. The way the fabric pulled over his chest. By the gods how I wanted him, yet I knew I couldn't have him- not even if I became the Queen. I broke my gaze away from his body to see him smirking, two can play at this game, I thought mischievously. I smirked back, my eyes gleaming with mischief. And I walked out of the room, my hips swaying with every step.

He followed me out and pulled me into a secluded room, another library by the looks of it- how many libraries did we have? Six or seven at least. "We need to talk." His voice was commanding, and how I longed to hear that tone from him more often- yet if I could make him bow I could make anyone. I had already made a Prince bow.

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