Three strikes you're out

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"Excuse me"

I snapped my head up to see this b*tch still up in my face. She swung her long blonde hair of her thin shoulders. Chloe Simmons was pretty don't get me wrong, but her personality was ugly I wanted nothing to do with her kind of people.

"Excuse you?"

Her nasal laugh filled my ears. Why was she laughing ? What I said wasn't funny and I'm sure I'm not that funny looking. See this is why I hate being in an all girl's school it wasn't my scene. All the girls have no boys to bother so they disturb people who actually want to learn. Worst thing is not only was this all girl's school, the majority of the school was white. Don't ask me what a white majority school was doing in south London I'm just as confused as you are.

"Why is your hair like that?" She pointed at my long poetic justice braids. Does this girl think she's funny?

Strike one.

I put my head down to my books, by now we were gaining a lot of attention. That's Chloe Simmons for you, attention is written in comic sans font on her large forehead.

"Excuse me do you understand what I am saying?"

Strike two.

I rolled my eyes no I don't speak 'I ride all the black boys in London' please translate. I didn't say that out loud of course. I knew my place in the hierarchy in this stupid school.

Everyday this stupid dial-a-hoe, comes to torment me. Today it's my hair tomorrow it will be my clothes. I don't understand her problem with me. I had never got into a fight until now. She reached for my braid.

If you didn't pay for my extensions don't touch my hair.

If you didn't pay the hairdresser to do my hair don't touch my hair.

If you did not wait 10 hours with me doing my hair then don't touch it.


Fcking strike three.

I swung for her face and her tanned face jolted back and she fell. She kicked me with her market Chanel boots. They were obviously fake since when was Chanel spelt channel? I felt repetitive kicks on my shin till the force caused me to trip and slam face first on the floor. We continued to brawl and roll on the floor. By now probably the whole school was watching me, little 'ole me fck up the most popular girl in the school in the library. Teachers flooded in the library pushing through the spectators pulling me and Chloe apart. I wasn't even angry at her, I just wanted to prove a point I was tired of her picking on me every day and allowing her to. I had to make my mark.

On her f*cking face.

I gave her one boot in her nose before we knew it we were too far apart to even touch each other. I knew then this would be the last day I spent at this school, I would probably be excluded. However, I knew the beats I gave would not be as hard as the one my mum would give me when I got home. Life is not fair.

I was always told my mouth would get me into trouble, but let me tell you. I've never said a bad word to, or about Chloe. I am rude yeah I know, but I'm no girl's b*tch. If something needs to be said I'm saying it. I'm not scared of Chloe but I know she's the type of girl to get you into trouble. To get you getting told off by your mum and dad every day. To get you a punishment of washing the plates, hovering and washing the bathroom every single day for two weeks. Type of trouble to get you sent to St.Bonavoures. The most ghetto school in all of London. The school full of stuck up lighties, Drake sarft lighties, pretty boys, wannabe hood rats, OG Nicki's, yardies an aff's. A school for prestige, loudmouth people like me. St Bons is a place where braids are the norm, no questions about why my hair doesn't stay down or references of my hair to bushes.

Man got sent to St.Bons

Turn all the way up.

*Authors note...

Basically yeah I made a story before but it was dead so I was like let me start again. Please feel free to criticize and give feedback, I got really good ideas planned out hopefully this goes well lols.

- love proverbs xo

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