Chapter 6

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"Fat ass, is there a problem?"

"I told you not to call me fat ass poor boy!"

"Look who's calling who poor," he rolled his eyes at my remark.

Cartman was my land lord. Because I own the biggest apartment in the building he's always on my ass. Definitely when I was born from a poor family. The real reason he checks on me all the time is because he's jealous. He wants dirt on me so he can have an excuse for kicking me out.

"So, I got some complaints that their was the smell of weed coming from your apartment,"

"You can't prove that I got weed on me Eric. And you can't go through my shit because your not allowed to. According from your rules,"

"Ah, yes my poor dumb friend I did say that. But the police can. If I get another complaint I'm calling the cops to search through your house,"

"You know what, fuck you Cartman! You know, you're more on my ass then my fucking ex's! Why?"

"Why?" He did a stupid cocky laugh.
"Because you sir, have the biggest fucking apartment in my apartment building, and you did not say how the hell you got that money. What, just all of a sudden your mom and dad became rich? You're hiding something. And I'm gonna find out." He started to walk out.

"Respect my fucking authority poor boy," he said, slamming the door.



I was walking back to Kenny's apartment when I saw a familiar face. Oh shit, Cartman.

"Hello," he said, walking passed me. I waved shyly and continued walking, making sure we didn't make eye contact. I opened the door to Kenny's apartment.

"Hey beautiful~," he said, popping up off the couch. I blushed. Even though he was talking to Marjorine, it felt like he was talking to Butters.

"I- I need to talk to you,"

"You want to quit?"

"How did you know?"

"Bebe texted me," Kenny walked over to me, making me feel a bit anxious.
"Look Mars, the first nights aren't all that fun. But soon you'll get use to it," he said, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"That's easy for you to say," I mumbled.

"What?" He questioned. I took a deep breath.

"Kenny, you don't know what it's like going out every night to sell your body to a stranger. It's scary, degrading, and you could never get use to it!"

"I'm sorry, I don't know what it's like, because I never been a prostitute,"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"I- I didn't mean it in a rude way, I was just trying to make a point. If you sign up for something that would have a bad out come then why would you sign up?"

"Because some of the girls here need money! Or someone probably wanted to see the love of their life but they ended up falling apart into a fucking jerk!" Kenny looked at me shocked.

"You think I'm a jerk?" He said sadly.
I couldn't help but to blurt out the truth.

"Yes! You always think everything is a choice! But when your on your own and don't know what to do and you have to make a living... sometimes you just don't have a choice. Some of these girls didn't make it to college, or had to drop out because of money issues or something.

"I- I'm sorry."
By my surprise, Kenny gave me a hug.

"You should just be a little more easy on these girls. They're going through some things. Their just trying to make a living."
I felt his hug get tighter.

"I didn't mean to call you a jerk-"

"I don't mean to be a jerk. If you want to quit you can. I won't stop you," he interrupted.

"Actually... I just don't want to be fucked by strangers anymore..." he blushed.

"Uh, okay. I don't know what to tell you there. I can ask Bebe if she can teach you everything she knows?"

"Okay. Thank you Kenny."
I looked up at Kenny and he looked down at me. His eyes was beautiful to look at. I wanted to kiss him and I could tell he felt the same way. He started to lean in and I closed my eyes.

"Wait," I stopped.

"Yes?" A thought came to mind that I should be home at my dorm by now. If I'm not there in an hour, Kyle is gonna be suspicious.

"I- I got to go, bye!" I immediately ran out. Kyle and Wendy were right about one thing. It's not safe being a prostitute.

The next morning at my dorm room, the guys was all in the bathroom first before me. Fuck, that means I have to wait until all of them leave or else I'll get jumped. And I have morning classes! This could not get worse. I then heard a loud buzz next to my night stand. It was a text from an unknown number. The text was just weird.

'Yo, text me back Token!'
'Y the fuck u kick me out the group chat!?'
'All of y'all r a bunch of female dogs!'
'Token... baby, I'm sorry~'
'I didn't mean to send the pic I thought u said yes'
'Y the fuck aren't u texting back!'
'Oh shit!!! Shit... hey, yo, ignore these messages will ya 😅'
'This is Clyde btw'

I kept scrolling and saw another text message.

'Come at 1:30 to take a STD and weed test. Don't ask how I got your number, I have my ways ;)'

I should ask him what him and Token was talking about and how my number got involved.
A few hours passed and I got a chance to go into the bathroom. I hurried up and took a shower and walked out before I was late for class. Luckily I made it on time and of course I learned nothing. As I was walking back to my dorm, a wave of anxiety hit me. I almost forgot about the STD and weed test. It was just Twelve Forty-Nine. I had about and hour to get ready and be there on time.


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