Kaminari x Reader

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"Denkiiiiiiiiii," you whined as you huddled under his blankets. It was that time of the month. Shark week, and you were looking to cuddle.

He somewhat liked this side of you, although you did get a bit emotional, he found it cute to see you pout; he felt happy when you depended on him.

He sat down on his bed, slowly unwrapping the blanket from you, and wrapping it around both of you. You lay your head in the crook of his neck and he rested his head on top of yours.

"Denki, why do you love me?" You asked out of nowhere, but he seemed unphased.

"Well, (First Name), you're the love of my life. When we first met, I was so awkward. I stuttered, accidentally shocked you when I shook your hand, I thought you would hate me!" He let out a small laugh as he continued, "But you didn't. In fact, we became great friends, and eventually I had enough balls to ask you out."

"I would never hate you Denki! I love youuuuuuu!~" you purred.

He pecked you on the forehead, then the tip of your nose, then gently on your lips.

He wrapped his long arms around you and pulled you into a hug, making sure you didn't feel uncomfortable.

Kaminari was a great boyfriend. You had two nightstands on both sides of the bed. Both were full of pads, tampons, heating packs, cup noodle, guava juice, cold water, tea bags, soda, chips, cookies, pizza and so much more that he bought for you.

You continued to watch the newest romance movie, I Love Both Of You, when you were attacked by a gushing, leaking feeling, accompanied by painful jabs in the side.

"FUCKSJNIHYWUDHIJOKPWKIJU," your words were incomprehensible as you suddenly fell flat on the bed, clutching your sides. Your cramps were random, and although they weren't frequent, when they came they were a bitch. Plus that gushing feeling was the fucking worst. (A/N: THAT FEELING MAKES ME WANNA DIE)

As you rolled around, Kaminari slowly got up, got a heating pad, and placed it on your stomach. He walked around the apartment warming up your Cup Noodle, and placed them on your nightstand.

"Cmon (First Name), pull down your sweatpants so i can see your stomach and panties please? I need to put the heating pad on you." He cooed, his voice gentle, not fed up with your incoherent groans.

You slowly lifted up your shirt and lowered your sweatpants to your knees, and he gently placed the stick-on heating pad on the front of your panties and allowed you to place it lower if you needed to. You then fixed your attire and mentally thanked him for not being a perv like Mineta for once.

When it came to your safety, wellbeing, and feelings, he was always considerate.

He then helped you sit up against your headboard, putting pillows behind your back, as to not hurt you.

"Blanket," you commanded, a small pout on your face.

"Yes, my love." He smiled as he skillfully wrapped the blanket around you, leaving your hands out of the blanket.

"Be careful, the cup noodle is hot." He handed the cup noodle over to you, gently placing a kiss on your temple.

You slowly slurped the noodles up, the soup splattering on parts of your face.

"Like taking care of a cute adorable baby!" Kaminari thought.

"(First Name), look over here please," he dabbed your mouth with the napkin, wiping away any soup that was on it, and threw it into a trash can nearby.

After you finished, he got a tub of your favorite ice cream from the small portable fridge he brought over to your house. How sweet can he be? (HE BROUGHT THE TUB AND THE ICE CREAM FROM HIS HOUSE. DEDICATION.)

He buys so many products for you, BUYS YOU FOOD, babies you, and is your portable charger as well as your amazingly gentle and understanding boyfriend.

You loved him, and you were lucky to have him love you.

You grabbed the tub that he handed you, and grabbed the small spoon as you inhaled it, only stopping when you had brain freeze. When you did get brain freeze, he would kiss your temple!

—Mini Timeskip?—

You took a nice hot shower to relieve your cramps before going back to bed.

It was almost time for Kaminari to leave, but whenever you were on your period he would stay until you fell asleep.

"Cmon love, get under the covers!"

He pulled you inside, cuddling you in his chest, the warm blanket falling on top of you.

"I'll stay until you fall asleep (First Name)."
"Thanks Denki." Your smiled reached your eyes as he let you nuzzle into his neck.

"Hey Denki? I love you." You softly whispered.
"I love you more (First Name)." he softly mumbled before you both fell asleep in the warmth and comfort of each other's arms. He didn't want to go home tonight because he was at home in your embrace.

Periods suck.

Nobody requested this, but there's a definite lack of Iida and Kaminari oneshots, so I'll try to update more with them. Don't forget to comment and vote (lolol)

I love you all so much! Thanks for being so patient with me!

I love you all so much! Thanks for being so patient with me!

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