Chapter 6

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Erika and Zed were walking to his place when Erika's phone started ringing.

It was her mom.

"Hi mom. What's up?"

"What's up? I'll tell u what's up. I got a phone call from the school saying u ditched."

"Me? Ditch?" Erika started laughing.

"Why would I want to ditch?"

"Come home this instant young lady. We have to talk"

"What? no. I'm already heading over to Tracey's house"

"Well Tracey can wait another day, can't he?"

"Yes mom. I'll be there right now" Erika said.

Erika hung up the phone.

"What happened?" Zed asked

"I have to go home. I think I got caught. But I'll try to convince my mom that I didn't" Erika said.

"I told u. U shouldn't have ditched" Zed said.

"Well can't go back in time and changed that. I have to go. Bye" Erika said and kissed Zeds cheek and ran to her house.

Once Erika went inside the house, she saw her mother standing right in front of her.

"Young lady, u are in deep trouble." Her mother said.

"I didn't ditch! Why would I want to ditch? Maybe the teacher just didn't mark my name. He could care less who's there or not" Erika said.

"Well the principal told me she stopped by ur classroom. U weren't there" Her mom said.

"Maybe That was a different classroom. U know the principal is getting old. She might be forgetting things" Erika said.

"Erika. U will stop hanging out with Zed. Cuz I'm pretty sure he's the only reason u would ditch. Unless u have another reasonable explanation." Missy said.

"No" Erika said head down.

"Ur grounded for a week. No, 2. No daughter of mine is gonna ditch class. No hanging with Zed. I'm taking ur phone away. And u go to cheer everyday" Missy said.

"My phone?! It's bad ur not letting me hang with Zed. But I should at least be able to txt him" Erika said.

"No." "But u can't make me stop hanging with Zed at school" Erika smiled.

"Yea I can. I'll tell Bucky" Missy said crossing her arms.

Erika smile went away.

"I hate u." Erika said and Missy held her hand out signaling to give her the phone.

Erika gave her mother the phone and angrily walked to her room.

She went in and slammed the door behind her.

She sighed and something caught her attention.

There was something on her dresser.

Erika went up to it and it was a wrapped up box. A gift? Erika thought.

She opened it and the first thing she saw was a note.

She picked it up and read it.

I missed u for so long. I wish I was there with u having fun, experiencing ur first boyfriend with u. Going through school with u. Wish I was there, but I got u something, to show that I love u and to show that I'm here now

Erika smiled the note and took out what was in a box.

There was a bracelet and a dress.

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