Chapter 11

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  A/N: Picture of Quinnex upside, a character introduced this chapter.  He is portrayed by Chris Garafola. 

Chapter 11

As she had not been to school the whole week, she had much to catch up that Monday she went back to school. She was not looking forward to seeing Ms. Harmy during the week, but figured that she couldn't skip anymore, as her grade was being affected.

She went to school the whole week, and managed to go to English without having to talk to Ms. Harmy, which was a relief. To be honest, Alyssa thought that Ms. Harmy knew that she didn't want to talk, as she left Alyssa alone.

The school week had also been tough, as she couldn't sleep during the night and then almost fell asleep during class. Luckily, she managed to stay awake during school, and fell asleep as soon as she got home.

She hadn't seen Lennox or any other vampire, besides Ms. Harmy, since her exit from the mansion. It hurt. It hurt to be away from Lennox that long, but he had hurt her and she wasn't going to seek him out. If he wanted to beg, beg for forgiveness, that was up to him. He had to come to her. Seeing as he hadn't come for a whole week, Alyssa didn't have much hope.

Cate and Alyssa spent Friday through Saturday having a sleepover at Cate's apartment. They had a great time, but Alyssa felt sad that she couldn't talk to Cate about Lennox, as Cate absolutely didn't like Lennox and his "crew". While Cate talked on and on about Nick and his amazing body, Alyssa sat in silence thinking about Lennox, making her depressed. Despite the depressed thoughts about Lennox, and the sadness of not talking about him or with him, she still had a good time with Cate. It felt good being normal, without having to worry about vampires (even if they did enter her thoughts a few times).

Alyssa returned to her apartment Saturday afternoon, tired after a long night awake while Cate slept. It had gone like this; after school on Friday she got a few hours of sleep before going to Cate's, was awake the whole night, plus the whole morning and a few hours of the afternoon. Thus, she was a zombie when she got home. The moment she got home, she went to her bed and fell asleep, still dressed. Sadly though, as she'd gotten home late, she only got a few hours of sleep before she woke up, as night had fallen. Damn Lennox and his damn vampire drinks. She couldn't last much longer, as sleep-deprived she got from not being able to sleep when she should and having to force herself staying awake when she should have just woken up. She hoped that the drink would stop working after some time of not taking another drink. Surely, if she didn't take the third drink within a certain time-frame, the effects would stop and she'd go back to normal.


After waking up Saturday night, she had the whole night to do homework. That was one plus of the drink at least, she usually had a whole night of undisturbed studying. Not this night though. Surprisingly, the doorbell rang at two in the morning.

She opened the door and was both happy and angry when she saw Lennox standing there. She was mostly happy, so she let him in. Now he just had to beg for forgiveness and he could stay (thought weather she'd forgive him or not would remain to be seen).

Beg he did. The moment he was inside, he turned to face her. "Alyssa, I have come to beg your forgiveness. After a week of thinking about my actions, I understand your anger. The reason why I did as I did is because that is how it's always been; the human mate is turned before being informed about our kind. Humans aren't supposed to know of us, if we tell them, then the human and vampire is killed. Please Alyssa, understand. Please believe me that I never meant to hurt you. Please..."

"If you aren's supposed to tell me, then why did you?". "Well... Let's just say that... I know the Queen... A little bit... So I could get away with it, for a little while, but only if you turn. Anyway, I'm truly sorry". Still mad, though understanding, Alyssa nodded to show that she (somewhat) forgave him. "What happens now?", she asked. Did she have to turn in order to stay alive? Or would this "queen" kill her and Lennox now? "Thanks to me, stupid me, you now have two options. One; forget me and move on, and hope that the Queen never finds out about you. Two; take the drink, turn, and spend an eternity with me. Before you decide, know this; the drink you took, the second drink, will only last about one more week. After that, you go back to normal. If you take too long to decide, and decide you want to turn, the process will have to begin from the beginning again. Should you decide you never want to see me again, then you never have to, the drink will stop affecting you on it's own. It is up to you. But I have to tell you this, for my sake alone; if you decide to leave and never see me again, I will die. It may seem manipulative of me, but it is the truth. I feel the bond strongly, while you as a human aren't fully affected. If we separate for too long, you may feel a bit sick, but I will die. This week while we were apart, you may not have noticed anything, but I have been heartbroken. I could feel myself weaken". It was all too much for Alyssa. "I can see that I have overwhelmed you. I'll go now. If you decide that you want me, that you want us... Call this number, it is mine. Goodbye, my love", Lennox handed her a note and left, while Alyssa stood frozen in her spot, overwhelmed. What the hell had just happened?

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