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"baby-boo, it's time to go." jenna said gently, brushing hair out of the three year old's face. "we're gonna go meet some of your dad's family today and you get to stay with him for the week after, okay?"

"no, thank you." ruby whined sleepily, hiding her face back behind her hair. "i sleepy. papa come here today." jenna laughed softly, pulling the toddler into a small embrace. "mama, i no want to leave."

"hey, it's just for a little bit. we're gonna meet some people, eat some food, you get to make new friends and at the end of the day, i'll get you some ice cream before i leave." jenna smiled softly, raising a brow. "how's that?"

"i get pink one?"

"only if you're good, chicken. but if you're really really good, like if you get up and get dressed right now, i'll let you get three scoo-" jenna barely got to finish her sentence before the small girl woke up for good this time, running to the bathroom and snatching up a comb with one hand and attempting to brush her teeth with the other.

"you have until i start the car, okay ruby?" jenna called out, biting back a laugh when ruby rushed back out with a small pout on her face as she handed the comb back to her mom.

"i need help with my hair... please? " she mumbled quietly.

"okay, but the timer starts after i do your hair."


fifteen minutes later, jenna pulled into a small parking lot. cars filled each spot in sight, families crossing the street warily to a small park. she saw a flash of anxiousness in ruby's eyes, no doubt a small indicator that she was terrified. and she was. of all the bright and shiny cars she saw, none of them looked like tyler's.

"where's papa?" ruby asked timidly, pulling her knees into her chest.

"he said he's here, rubes- oh, wait, im on the wrong side!" jenna scrunched her nose slightly. "give me like five more minutes, chicken. just gotta turn around."

ruby pouted slightly, resting her forehead on her knees. she wanted to be home, in her bed, watching movies. she loved the park but not when there was a lot of people there. as jenna pulled in closer to the right park, the toddler opened her eyes and saw a much smaller group of people by a playground and field.

"alright, ruby, we're here." jenna said with a small smile, turning the car off and looking back. "all these people really want to meet ya, kiddo... i-it'll be fun, i promise." she said with a small smile, reaching her hand back so ruby could hold it.

"they look like big kids, like you... i no a big kid." ruby mumbled quietly, holding her mother's hand. "and i no see papa."

"how about this? me and you get out and look for him. if we don't find him after five minutes, then we can leave and get ice cream, okay?"

she frowned slightly, still looking out the window at the same group of adults, who seemed to be crowded against a couple of tables meshed together. and from where she was, it looked like they were... putting food on the table?

"mama, mama, they has food!" ruby grinned brightly, straining to look even more. "what if they has taco?"

"okay, chicken, slow down." jenna laughed and unstrapped the small girl from her carseat, pulling her into her lap. "if they have tacos, we have to get out of the car to go eat them. so let's look for your dad first, and then we can go and get food."

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