Chapter 1: Nightmarish Origin

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    The moon shined on the plains of grass on this beautiful night in the Unova region. The Woobat's are flying through the moonlight sky as the Pokémon on the wet ground of dew as they were snuggled in their nests sleeping the night away. But a disturbance rumbles the ground and wakes the wild Pokémon from their sleep as a little kid was being chased by multiple people with flashlights, chasing the kid across the plains and to the forest.
" Go, go, go, don't let that kid get get away with that Pokémon!" " yes, sir!" the men shouted as the little kid was still running forwards the edge of the forest. The men throw their Pokéball's to bring out their Pokémon to attack the child , they thrown out a Swoobat, Liepard, and Mandibuzz to attack the young boy and the Pokémon in his arms.
" Don't worry, we're almost there," but the kid gets bit by a Poison Fang by the Swoobat," aah... get off of me you stupid Swoobat!" the kid shouted as he punches the Swoobat off of his arm," agh...I think that Swoobat gave me the Poison status, *Cough* * Cough*, ugh, I'm fine, I can make it, we're almost there, it's just up ahead!" The kid shouted as he kept running to the edge of the forest as the man's Mandibuzz used Wing Attack as the attack missed the young boy.
"don't worry, I'll find a way to lose them, that tall grass can help us lose them, just hang on a bit longer!" the kid shouted as he ran into the very tall grass.
" where'd he go?" The man asked," I saw him run into that tall grass, after him!" The other man shouted," this will find him easier, Liepard use Shadow Claw on this grass to cut it down to find that brat!" The third man shouted as his Liepard used Shadow Claw to cut down the grass at a rapid rate but the kid was not found," keep searching grunts, that kid is here somewhere, nab that Pokémon from him at all costs!" The third man shouted as the men shouted," yes sir!"

     The kid runs deeper and deeper into the tall grass.
" I think we lost them, *pant* *pant*, we're almost there, just hang in there for a bit longer, I'll  be fine, the forest is just to our right, let's go before they catch back up with us," the kid said and he starts to run to the end of the tall grass to reach the forest.
" Liepard, did you find them yet?" The third man asked, Liepard shook its head to say no," well then keep looking, that brat has got to be here somewhere," the third man shouted," yeah, Swoobat here bit him with it's Poison Fang, he ain't getting far," the second man chuckled.
The kid struggles to get through the tall grass but they're almost out of the grass to see the forest," there, we're almost out of this grass, I'll get you out of this mess, I promise," the kid says as he bursts out of the tall grass and is approaching the edge of the forest," there's the forest, you'll be safe in there," the kid said but the kid trips on a rock and drops the Pokémon from his arms and the kid is hurt very badly and the poison from the Poison Fang made him to weak to get back up. "Aah, my leg!" The kid shouted in pain.
"I heard screaming coming from over there!" The first man shouted," then Swoobat's poison must've kicked in!" The second man shouted," then let's hurry before that Pokémon gets away!" The third man shouts as they run to the young boys location very fast.

     "Ugh, I can... hear them coming this way," the kid stuttered but the Pokémon walked up to him to see if he was alright," yeah, I'm alright, no need to worry... aah, I've got just enough strength to get to that stump... come on, we can't give up now," the kid stuttered while he crawled his way to the stump and sat up against it in pain. The Pokémon whimpered and licked the child's hurt leg," don't worry, I'm fine, I can manage this... aah, okay, maybe not," the kid stuttered as the men got closer  and closer," their coming for you, we made it to the edge of the forest, you'll be safe in there," the kid says. The Pokémon goes to the forest but stops in its tracks, it wants the child to come with it inside the forest so it starts pushing the kids side with its head," do you want me to come with you, okay, I'll try to get up," the kid says as he tries to stand up but pain shoots through his entire body and fell back down onto the ground," aah, the pain, it's too much, I can't stand up, I'm sorry, I cant come with you," the kid said but the Pokémon refused to believe that and kept pushing on the kids side.
" I'm sorry, I'm just... too weak... you're, gonna have to go without me," the kid said but the Pokémon shook its head violently in disagreement and tears started rolling down its face and pushed even harder," please, don't worry about me, I'll be okay, just go, save yourself!" The kid shouted but the Pokémon just kept pushing harder with more and more tears running down its face as it struggled to move the child with all it's might but it wasn't strong enough.

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