1: 12 years of living

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Young Shekaro's POV

I was having a staring contest with my kitten Garfield. He was fat, orange, and fluffy. I tiltled my head to one side and Garfield copied me. I giggled and poked his nose, then he gently pawed mine, purring. "Aww, you're adorable."I said, cuddling his soft fur. "Meow."he said, purring and nuzzling me back. I turned on some ballroom music and started to spin around with Garfield. He gently clawed on to me so I wouldn't let him go by accident. We swayed, twirled, and rocked back and forth. He was like an adorable, fuzzy baby. I heard knocking at my door, so I turned down the music. "Who is it?"I said cutely. "It's your mother sweetie."my mom said, with a chuckle. "What's the password?"I said, giggling. My mom sighed playfully. "Shekaro's the most cutest and sweetest 12 year old ever."she said. I opened the door and hugged her. "Thanks mommy." "You're welcome sweetie."she said, hugging me and kissing my forehead. "And you're the most beautiful and sweetest mother ever." "Maybe I'll make that my password." That made my mother and I laugh. We heard another knock come from the front door. My mother picked me up and went to open the it. As she opened it, my face filled up with so much glee. "Father!"I said, reaching out to him. "Hey there my little princess."he said, picking me up. "How's my little adventurer?"

"Eh, I'm retiring."I said, pretending to yawn. My dad had a funny, sarcastic look on his face. "What? I'm shocked. But it's good to stay young and healthy."he said, poking my nose. I giggled and gestured for him to put me down. As dad put me back on the ground, I went to the kitchen & showed him and mom that I cleaned the dishes and swept the floor. "Aww. Our daughter is going to make a lovely housewife one day."My mom said, looking at dad. "Well, if you ask me she still is missing one thing."he said. "Oh what's that?"I asked, curiously. My dad smirked. "A sense of humor!"he said, tickling me. I started laughing uncontrollably, while mom smiled at us. "Hahahaha! Stop! Hehehe!"I said. Dad finally stopped his tickle torture and helped me off the ground. "Oh, guess what?"my dad asked. "What is it?"I asked curiously. "Tonight is my first random comedy gig!" My mom and I gasped at the same time. "Honey that's wonderful!"she said, hugging him. "I knew your bowtie would work!"I said, joining the hug. Dad smiled and hugged us back, kissing both of our foreheads. Mom and I got ready for his random comedy act by dressing up as the theme to act it out. The theme was "Pirates at a Circus." Dad had a lot of funny ideas, but mom and I found this theme the funniest. My mom dressed up as a pirate and I dressed up as a juggler and an animal tamer. Mom had on a pirate hat, eye patch, gold tooth, & boots. I had on some eye paint, a vest, balls in my pants, and high heels. "Wow! You both went all out with the theme!"dad said, clapping. "Well I am an artist."mom said, charmingly. "Me too!"I said, giggling. Dad chuckled.

"Well, let's go make people happy!"he said. "Yay!"mom and I said together. We opened the front door and got in dad's car (Hyundai Ioniq) and headed to the Comedy Plaza, which was 12 miles from here.

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