2: Acting Comedy Gold

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When we got there, the sight was so amazing! Bright lights, a fountain, and people dancing outside. It was like we were all in a Disney movie. Mom, Dad, and I got out of the car and went to the center of the plaza. We went through the spinning doors and the scenery looked a an expensive hotel mixed with a movie theater. A big, buff man came towards us, wearing a security outfit and had on a black visor over his black, curly hair. "Do you need guidance to a kid's birthday party?"he said, looking me and my mother over. "No sir. We're here to help my dad have a sucessful comedian gig!"I said, smiling. "Aargh! You best move stowaway or ye best walk the plank. Har! Har! Har!"my mom said, in her hilarious pirate voice. The man furrowed his brow before having a humorous smile and laughing. Dad explained to us that the man's name was Ron and he was his manager. "You two are hilarious. Allen, you never told me how beautiful and funny your wife and daughter are."he said, clapping.

"Heh, yeah well they are two of a kind. Ha! Ha!"dad said, hugging us both. "Well you made it just in time because you're about to be onstage in 5 minutes. And I'm guessing these two ladies are part of your act."Ron said. "Yes they are. The theme is "Pirates at a Circus.""dad said. After going over what our improv and jokes, dad made his entrance onstage. "Hello ladies and gentlemen! My name is Allen and this is my first comedy gig, but you won't need any laughing gas to laugh at this act." The crowd started chuckling. "The theme tonight is "Pirates at a Circus", and boy is it going to be off the "hook."" The crowd chuckled even more. "Okay enough puns, let's get on with the show." The audience clapped as dad finished his introduction. Mom gave me a hug then went onstage.

"Aargh! Where is my "booty"? And don't you dare point behind me!" she said. The crowd laughed. "Hey! There be an "X" on that tent! Maybe that's where the "booty" is!" Mom ran off stage and the audience laughed and clapped. I took a deep breath and held the juggling balls in my hand. I went onstage and started to juggle them carefully. "Welcome to the circus! Do we have any volun-" Before I could finish my sentence, mom came running towards me. "Aargh! You theif!"she said. I caught all the balls in my hands. "Oh hello miss. Would you like to volunteer to tame an animal?" "No thanks, I got a parrot. Now where have you hidden my "booty?"" "Woah! Watch your mouth! This show isn't "pirated."" The crowd laughed at my pun. "Don't play dumb ya juggling monkey! I know you know where it is!" "Well, if we're going to get hygienic then have you looked behind for your "behind?""I said, snickering. "Oh har, har, har! I mean my treasure!" "Hmm. Well it seems you've been on an all golden diet because you got some stuck in your teeth still." Mom licked her tooth and clicked her tongue. "Oh! Well at least I don't look like a dancing jester." I fake gasped. "Oh look at your nose! Red as a clown's! Har! Har! Har!" "Oh yeah very funny! You probably need to pay for all your bad driving fees because you had to abandon ship!" The crowd was laughing at our jokes and trash talk. Let's just say a fight happened afterwards and here's what happened that caused it. "Okay. We got off on the wrong "hook", I mean foot. Here are some flowers of friendship." I said, giving mom a big bouquet. She took the flowers and smiled.

"Well thank you lass. Violets are my fav-" Before she could finish her sentence, the flowers started to squirt out water. "Guah! You sneaky, lying fat bass!" I was laughing and pointing at her damp face. Mom then drew her fake sword. "You know the consequence for pranking a captain?!" I scoffed. "What you going to make me walk the plank?" Mom growled and lunged towards me, but I dodged. Mom and I started play fighting with a fake sword and conducting stick. After a while, dad came onstage and pretended to dig up from the "X" on the ground. He put some fake gold coins on the ground to make it look like he found the missing treasure. Mom and I were offstage still play fighting, until she saw dad with the "treasure" in his hand. She ran onstage with an angry look on her face. "Hey you! That's my booty!" Dad ran offstage with the "treasure" and mom chased after him. The crowd started clapping, but then calmed down when I came onstage. "Guess I'm not walking the plank today." The crowd laughed and clapped as I went offstage. Mom, dad, and I held hands and walked on the stage together. Loud cheering and whistles came our way as we all came onstage. Roses were thrown onstage and many people stood up. We gathered all the flowers and took a boy, then had a big family hug. When clappimg and cheering was done, dad explained who was playing as the pirate and animal tamer and juggler. We got so much love and confidence from the audience and some wanted our pictures. After the people were done talking to us, Ron came to our attention. "Wow! I am very impressed! I mean I always thought women were funny, but I never would've imagine they be this funny!"he said. "Well when you have these two and their big imagination, they can make anyone laugh."dad said, patting our heads. After our conversation with Ron, more people came and congratulated us on our performance. I never thought we'd get so much positive remarks from them. Dad couldn't be more proud of us, and we couldn't be more proud of him. For doing so well, we all went out to the ice cream shop to celebrate. I got vanilla(which is my favorite), mom got strawberry cheesecake, and dad got salted carmel. We took a sample of each other's ice cream and said we'd get different flavors next time. We then went home and watched our favorite movie, "Beauty and the Beast" over and over again until we fell asleep. Dad put mom and I to bed (in my parents' room) and kissed us goodnight.

For a 12 year old, I knew it would take years and a job for me to get enough money to see the world and all the other different people. But what I didn't know was God made my wish happen at the least expected moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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