Chapter 3

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Kagome POV

I smiled to myself as I freshened up for dinner, I may have gotten use to being alone with only Shippo for company, but I have missed Rin-chan and I suppose Sesshomaru as well, after getting ready I stood on the balcony looking over the gardens and I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to stay here, Shippo has tried numerous times to get me to move either in a village close by or actually in the palace, if that did happen I would need something for me to do, I couldn't just sit around doing nothing while everyone else was busy, it would drive me insane "you seem sad little one" I heard a deep rich voice from behind, I turned my head and saw Sesshomaru standing behind me "I didn't hear you come in" I muttered softly looking at him, he nod his head "I did knock, but after a few minutes with you not answering, I thought there might have been something wrong, so I came inside only to find you staring out into the distance" he replied moving closer so his chest was touching my back, how easy it would be to simply lean backwards and rest on him but I didn't because I don't want anything that might cause problems between us

I had to lean my head further back just to see his face and this time I didn't imagine it, Sesshomaru's eyes went straight to my neck it was then I thought about our position and what it would look like to others, so I moved away slightly to put distance between us "come I will escort you down to dinner and then we will talk afterwards" he said huskily which caused a shiver to run through my body, I frowned at him as he took my arm not sure what he would want to talk to me about, we were both quiet as we walked through the corridors of his beautiful home when he suddenly spoke up "I have invited the kit to join us for dinner also Rin and her mate will be there" he commented quietly, I nodded as I smiled up at him "I'm glad" I answered still smiling at him

As we walked down the corridors every time we passed some of his servants they stood there and stared with shock literally on their faces, it makes me wonder if it's that rare to see him escorting someone to dinner and if it is why is he doing it to me, maybe when we have that talk I can ask him about it because I don't like not knowing something, especially if it's causing that type of reaction from people, within a few minutes we were already standing in front of a pair of impressive set of tall doors with a beautiful design, I never got to admire the design that much before they suddenly opened and we walked through, the only people that were sitting at the table already was Shippo, Rin-chan and her mate with two seats at the top of the table for me and Sesshomaru

When I sat down I sent Rin-chan a smile as she seem to be well rested {I will have to have a word with Sesshomaru and her mate later when Rin isn't around} I thought reminding myself of the fact, we ate in a comfortable silence the only noise that was made was when Rin asked me a question or Sesshomaru and Sho (Rin's mate) talked with Shippo about the guards, when the food was finished Sho escorted Rin back to their chamber while Shippo announced that he was on guard duty, so with a nod to the others and a kiss on my cheek for me he left closely followed by the others leaving me alone with Sesshomaru "come will shall have a walk in the garden" he said offering my hand, I slowly placed my obviously smaller hand into his much bigger one he gently pulled me up

We walked in silence but my thoughts were running a mile a minute {maybe I could use this moment to have a word to him about what I discovered} I thought thinking about how to approach him on this matter without him getting angry and seeking the person responsible "you seem in deep thought Kagome" I heard him say as we got to the gardens and I opened my mouth to reply but whatever I was saying got caught in my throat as the garden finally came into sight "it's beautiful Sesshomaru" I whispered looking around at all the flowers, the centre of the garden was dominated by a koi pond with a willow on the right with a seat sitting under the branches, on the left side of the pond was filled with what looked liked millions of different coloured flowers

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