Serendipity (H.S.) by @JadieMiller

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Serendipity (H.S.) by @JadieMiller

177 K Reads / 7.5 K Votes / 38 parts / Completed

At one point in time, every college student realizes they have absolutely no idea what they want to do with their life. As a nineteen-year-old girl living on her own in one of the most well-known cities in the world, Sophia Green is no exception. But, soon after a strange run-in with a world-famous celebrity, Sophia finds herself spending time with a completely different group of people, taking risks that she had only ever fantasized about, and discovering that she may not be as lost as she previously believed herself to be. If only she knew that one moment could give her everything she ever dreamed of...and one moment could take it all away just as easily.

Completed November 10, 2015. Currently being edited (solely for grammar and spelling).


The story starts off with a rather cliché like encounter between the two main characters Sophia and Harry. The passion and the will the authors show within creating and continuing the story will prove you wrong. As both characters get to know each other during the first part of the book the authors puts you into their perspective. The way the author describes every encounter with all its ups and downs makes your heart swoon feel for Sophia. Especially in the end where there is drama and heartbreak Sophia has to go through the authors talent shines through. The ability to create so much emotion and empathy for Sophia is astonishing.  

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