Chapter one: Welcome To Cherrywood

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Mid December was the busiest time for the Ojcwbrt Grocery and Goods center. Adults doing last minute gift shopping, preparing for the upcoming holiday dinner, and all the teens and children running about the isles laughing and having a good time. Ojcwbrt was a small shopping center local to all the citizens of Cherrywood. Cherrywood is advanced in science but still has very old school things such as paper and milk delivery and prices of 30-60 cents on items at grocery stores. This town is located in the center of the dimension of Alemora. It is a very small town where everyone knows everyone, in fact you can't find it on any sort of map or satellite. The locals loved that about it, they hoped to keep it small in population and preserve the beauty of their small delicate town.

As the sun sets the young-lings go home with their parents and everything settles down. The local bar opens up and and slowly fills up. A young girl about twenty comes in and takes a seat. She looks through her long black hair, with a quiet apathetic voice asks for a raspberry creme soda. "What are you doing around here the short chubby bartender asks?" "Don't think i've ever seen you around here" he said shortly after. The girl looks up and moves her hair behind her ear. "My name is Evangeline I'm new around here, I got lost, my car is broken down and i'm staying here for a while." The man behind the counter hands her the drink and says with a booming cheerful voice, "ah well then, welcome to Cherrywood i'm Pete!"

Evangeline shrugs and turns around, accidentally bumping into a half drunk man who was nearly twice her age. In quick aggressive manor he whips around and begins shouting at her in a crude and disrespectful manor. " I'm very sorry I didn't mean to-" cutting her off in the middle of her sentence the man shoves Evangeline into the counter. "You're gonna have to do a lot more than apologize to make up for that sweetie." A voice from the crowd rises "hey, why don't you leave her alone" the group of people separate and a person steps forward, he give the drunken man a glare and take a few steps closer.

Evangeline rolls her eyes and with a sassy hair flip tells them she can handle the situation on her own. "This little lady has to make up her mistake to us," the man motions over to his two friends by the pool table to come over. All of them corner Evangeline and laugh. As the leader of the gang reaches his hand out to grab her Evangeline takes a bottle of whiskey and smashes it over his head pushing past the second person and elbowing the last one in the neck. Within seconds all four of them were in a brutal fight. "Would you like me to help asked the person from earlier?" Evangeline replied bitterly, "no, this has nothing to do with you, so goodbye and have a nice life." An annoyed voice of a woman behind the counter snapped, "Pete, what are you doing, phone the police?!"

The sound of the polices voices came yelling from the distance and Evangeline threw her last punch knockin the man half unconscious, then ran out of the bar and disappeared into the darkness of the streets. The one crowd member followed after creeping behind her. "You know I can hear and see you," Griffen shouted. "So come out" They stepped out of the darkness into the flickering street light. "Hello we never officially met, i'm Hayden " Hayden stuck their hand out, Evangeline just looked at it. A minute passed and she sighed reaching out and shaking his hand. Hayden had large hands, a masculine body but the facial features were almost feminine. "I'm Evangeline, but you can call me Angie."

"You know you're pretty tough for somebody scrawny," Hayden replied. She had long legs, and was very thin, her arms looked like spaghetti noodles, but she had immense strength. "Girl you could probably take out Commander Jamin and all his followers, oh that's right you're new here heh you don't know about all that." "Do you ever shut up," asked Angie annoyed and full of rage. "Look, im sorry, im lost and I have no place to stay, im really stressed out." Hayden looked at her for a while then smiled, "well then welcome to Cherrywood, you can stay with me and my roommate for a while" Hayden motioned over and the began walking to the Rockstreet apartments.

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