14 ~ The Bells

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(That was me tryin' to be hip - yo)

That last chappie was well dope innit. doe.

I bet you is totes well jel of ma sick skillz.

Jks. Oh snap!

Ok seriously now,

From now on, things will be moving quite fast paced, so if you're not into that typo thing then I suggest you stop reading now.

I'm sounding like they're going to have a wedding, three kids who graduate and for Sherlolly to turn into grandparents in the space of two weeks.

No. This is not a game of Sims.

Okay then, (ooh! I saw TFIOS the other night and I cried so flipping much)

Enjoy this super long chapter! See you on the other side...

{Sherlocks pov}

"Yes, pips, pips as in seeds. Yes yes you heard me right, an orange. Stop being so opaque Greg. Ok, I'll see you then." I hang up the phone and walk over to my computer.

"What was that?" Molly asks, emerging from the bathroom drenched, with a myriad of droplets trailing on the floor behind her.

"Oh just a case. A client came to me and said he had received a letter containing 5 orange pips and the envelope inked with the letter K thrice,"

"Intriguing," my fiancée states, pulling up a chair behind me, "has this happened before?"

"Yes, to both his relatives of whom lived in the same house," I reply

"Were the pips always presented in this sort of propaganda?"

"The letters were from different parts of the world, the first being Pondicherry in India, Dundee and London. I've deduced that they are all ports, thus, giving us evidence that the writer of the letters was on the ship otherwise the mail boat would've docked before."

"Ah I see. So, now, you need to look at the reports and see what boat docked into those ports on those three given dates?"

"Precisely," I confirm, pulling on my coat.

I make my way out the door before I realise I forgot to do something

Apologetically, I run back inside, kiss Molly on the forehead and say goodbye.


Frustrated, I run my hands through my hair, balling them into a fist.

Lestrade comes in to the room hidden at the base of Scotland Yard, with digital reports filed away on every ship that has touched and left the old harbour of London Town.

"I'm going to get Anderson to help, he's slightly more technologically advanced then I am," Lestrade states

"What no! I don't want that moron in the same room as me otherwise the radiation of stupidity will throw me off. Also, his imbecility dominates his speech because every word he struggles to form are profoundly incoherent."

Lestrade clearly gets the idea and sits down at the computer next to me.

"Sherlock look at this. The Lone Star. If I click on it is registered to Georgia and yes, it has docked at Pondicherry, Dundee and London," Lestrade informs me

"So they dock to deliver the letter and then they leave again. And the boat is American, from the south," I mutter.

I'm distributed from my thoughts by John entering the room.

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