Chapter 1: Princess of the Seas

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Ranessa, the daughter of the mighty King Poseidon, was the most beautiful mermaid in the sea. Her voice was soft and beautiful like silk and her gaze would hypnotize you, she was a true beauty. Ranessa had long, flowing light auburn hair. Her bright green eyes always shone with anticipation and charm. Her older sisters, Ciondra, Sereana, and Verisanna didn't take too kindly to her because of her unmatchable beauty. Princess Ranessa always had many suitors coming to court her. However, she didn't wish to be married. She despised mermen who would travel all the way to her kingdom to demand her hand. It just seemed pathetic. All she wanted was to surface and explore the land above. Meet the mortal humans and the immortal gods and goddesses....

"Ranessa, Prince Bryice from the Arctic Region will be coming in a matter of weeks to ask for your hand in marriage." King Poseidon told his youngest daughter. Ranessa rolled her eyes disgustedly. All mermen princes were the same. All they wanted was to marry you for your looks, your money, or your power. The Atlantian Kingdom was one of the richest regions in mermaid existence. Alongside the Pacifican Kingdom.

"Another?" Ranessa whined. "I'm not even old enough to be married off, Daddy." she said matter-of-fact. King Poseidon only scowled.

"Rani, you turn sixteen in two weeks." he argued.

"That means I can surface and go to Mount Olympus, right?" she urged. Ever since she was little, her father had told her about his brothers, Hades and Zeus. About Mount Olympus, all the gods and goddesses. Her father was god of the sea, one of the Mighty Three.

"What? No, Rani you know that's dangerous!" the king roared. "You will be sixteen but you will never see Mount Olympus. It's too dangerous. I've told you the stories about Persephone and Medusa. The gods and goddesses are not to be trusted."

"But you are a god?" Ranessa sneered. The king pulled his brows together.

"Rani, you are a beautiful young mermaid. I just don't trust those gods to be careful, they are very powerful but ignorant." he sighed. The rage was replaced by distress. Ranessa saw her father's pained expression and stopped badgering him about it.

"But I do not wish to marry Prince Bryice." she contested.

"You haven't even met him." the king cried.

"They are all the same, Daddy." she said and swam out of the ornate throne room. The tapestries that hung from the coral columns swished in her wake as she left her father's distressed state.

She swam straight to her chamber. Her sisters were in the hallway outside her chamber. They swam up to her.

"Rani! We heard Father was talking to you about Prince Bryice?" Sereana asked.

"Yeah, he's coming in a few weeks. Maybe you or Verisanna could steal him away?'" Renessa suggested. Ciondra was already engaged to Prince Geaden of the Indianna  Region, even though she still fooled around with the guards.

"Only if he's cute!" Verisanna winked and they all swam away. Verisanna and Ciondra were the oldest and were twins. Sereana was two years older than Rani, yet they all have slept with the mermen Rani was supposed to marry.

During the next two weeks, the castle bustled around getting ready for the arrival of Prince Bryice and his father, King Wytt. They hung new tapestries and replaced the sea flowers and dusted all the portraits and the gold. Scrubbed the algae covered floors, shined the statues, replaced the gold plates and silverware with new ones. The king wanted to impress the young prince.

Princess Ranessa really didn't have a care for what the servants, or even her father, did. She knew she wasn't going to marry him anyway. She was only agreeing to meet him to please her father. As she rounded the corner to reach her chamber, a servant exited her room. She was confused and walked through the entrance, the door wide open. Three seamstresses were gathered around her bed.

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