Chapter 8

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Logan's Pov

It is once again Monday. I got up, dressed, ate, and then went to pick up the other three.
"Hello Patton." I kissed him as he sat down in the front seat of the car.
Then I left to get Roman and Virgil.
"Good morning" Patton said as happy as he normally is. "Did you sleep well?" Patton still asking questions.
"Ya, Roman kept me company because I couldn't sleep by myself."
Roman's face went red.
"I slept okay. How about you Patton?"
I asked looking at him, seeing that he looked tired.
"I slept fine, it was quite lonely though."
"You could have just come over. You don't ever have to be alone."
He smiled has I said that.
The first classes went by quick, but on our way to lunch Patton went to the bathroom so we seperated.


I sat down at our normal lunch spot. Roman and Virgil were already there. "hello." I greeted them.
"Where's Patton? I need to talk to him." Virgil asked.
"He went to the restroom. What do you need him for?" I was curious.
"I'll tell you when he's here." He said.
We saw Patton walking over to the table. "Hi guys!" Patton said cheefully.
"Patton! Can I  ask you a favor?" Virgil didn't hesitate to ask.
"Of course. What is it?" Patton of course said yes.
"First, are you good with kids?"
"I love kids." I was growing more and more curious as the converation continued.
"I have to watch my baby cousin this weekend, and I'm not great with kids. Can you help me?"
"I want to help." Roman spoke up.
"Of course you can help Princey."
"I can help you out." Patton confirmed. A look of relief came over Virgil. "Can Logan come with me?" Patton was so sweet. "Do you really think I'm good with kids?" I, personally didn't think I was.
"You must be, with all those smartical particals in your brain you must know how to take care of people. Just think of it as babies being tiny people to take care of." Patton said with a smile.
"Okay, consider me in." I said, at least I would be able to be with Patton.


Patton's POV

I walked to reading class with the other three. Logan was reading a book while we were walking. He normally had his nose in a book. But Virgil looked as if he was thinking, slowly, but surely, sinking further into his hoodie. Roman was talking about the upcoming play, possibly hoping that at least one of the four of us were listening to him. Which I was.
I was also looking down at my feet. Taking every bit of what my friend was saying, in. He was just talking about his part though. "Logan watch out." As I pulled him away, he was about to run into someone.
"Thanks Patton." He said as he kissed me on my cheek. I blushed, "It was nothing" I was just looking out for my boyfriend. "Virgil, your going to run into someone if you don't come out of your hoodie." I told Virgil.
"Roman, you're good." I smiled at him.
"You know, I look at you two, and then realise how short I am."
"You and md both" Virgil said as he was my same height. "Logan looked down at me. "I love how short you are." Logan had told me.
"Yeah it allows me to do this." Roman said as ge picked up Virgil, bridal style. We all laughed at the two. Roman then put Virgil down as we had reached our class.


We were on our way home. "So, how was everyone's day?" I asked everyone, trying to start conversation.
"It was mediocre." Virgil spoke up first.  "Why was that my little emo nightmare?" Roman had asked before I had got a chance to.
"Because I cant get the fact, that we have to perform in the play on Friday, out of my mind."
"Ohh. That's this Friday?" I asked.
"Yes it is, are you nervous dear?" Virgil shook his head yes.
"Well ,don't be. Just think, the whole time that you are on the stage, I will be there with you." They were so cute!  Roman was looking deep into his eyes.  "You two are so cute!!" I screamed.
"Patton, calm down."
"Sorry Logan." I giggled. I shouldn't have screamed that loud.
"Anyways, I heard that there was going to be a talent show after the play. And I figured I could inter." I couldnt believe that Logan just said that.
"OMG! Really. What are you going to do." I was so curious.
"All I am going to tell you, is that I am going to sing."
"I have never heard you sing before." Roman stated.
"I bet you sing beautifully." I told him.
"Should I enter it too? I could sing with." I saw Logan's face blush.
"If you want to, then go for it.
Are we all going to my house?" We all shook our heads yes.


"Mom?" Logan called out.
"Im in the kitchen." I heard Mrs.Sanders answer him.
"Patton and I going to be in the talent show on Friday, and I wouldn't mind if you came and watched." When Logan said this, a look of exitment came over her.
"I would love too" She ran over and hugged him. She smiled at me. "You must have an amazing singing voice, the both of you." I gushed at this. "It's not that great." Logan walked over to me and gave me a side hug. "Stop being so modest, you sing great." I looked up at him and smiled. "You two are so cute." I had honestly forgotten that Mrs.Sanders was there.
"Patton had said the same thing to us in the car." Roman had brought up. "That's because it's true." I argued.

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