{25} "Come back to me." Pt 2

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Song for the chapter:Just the Same by Bruno Major

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Song for the chapter:
Just the Same by Bruno Major


A tingly sensation begins spreading from my fingertips, up my arm and to my chest. It then continues to flow through my veins until I'm vaguely aware of the sounds in my surroundings.

It's too quiet. The extremely pungent sterile smell drifting into my nostrils and waking up the rest of my senses. The bright lights from the room hurt my eyes even though they're closed and so I don't attempt to open them.

Everything hurts. My head, my throat, my stomach. I dreamt that Chelsea was here with me, crying because of my stupidity. Or was it a dream? I wouldn't be able to tell.

I hear shuffling from inside the room, my ears straining to listen for any sign of who it could be. But it isn't a sound that shines light on the person inside, instead it's a smell. A smell I know all too well. Leather with a hint of lemon and woodsy cologne.


"Baby, I'm so sorry."

Please don't be, I want to say but my throat is too dry and my eyes won't cooperate with me. I feel his large warm hand engulf my own, his thumb stroking my skin. Slowly. Gently. Lovingly.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when I should have been. I should've been there."

His voice is cracking.

"But I need you to wake up and be okay. Because I need you here with me, Meg."

I hear a shuddering breath leave his lips.

"I need your horrible jokes and that beautiful smile of yours. I need you here with me, happy and healthy because..."

He stops. Takes a deep breath in. I've heard him sniffle here and there. Felt droplets of his tears fall onto my hand.

Please don't cry, I want to tell him.

"Because I love you. Damn it, I love you and I need to be able to tell you so that I can see that cute blush that you hate but that I love. I love you, baby. So please, come back to me."

This time, the warmth spreads from my chest to every single nerve ending in my body. A fire lighting up from the inside and traveling to every corner of my being. I feel his hand pull mine closer towards him. His lips begin placing kisses on my knuckles as he shakes with tears.

I will my eyes to open, I try harder every time I feel his lips touch my skin.

I want to see him, just let me see him.

The white fluorescent lights blind me when I finally open my eyes. I blink. Once. Twice. Three times. I turn my head to the side, tears brimming my eyes as I watch Sebastian hold my hand to his lips with his eyes closed.

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