Jesus is here and providing you with some stuff.-Gang AU.
Rather than the usual *innocent smol bean encounters gang and is scared of them and shit* can we get a story where the main character is like an assassin in training or something yeah?
Main character runs gang and finds innocent smol bean in a dangerous spot and saves them or something. OR OR OR THEY HAVE TO KIDNAP AN INNOCENT CHARACTER WHO IS NICE AND SHIT
Basically it would be cool to see a story from the perspective of the 'bad guy' that would be neat.
A story where main character has the ability to change eye colour and stuff. Like they could give themselves cat eyes or whatever. They have to hide their ability because they would become a science experiment if they were discovered. Then some asshole idiot bully person who hates the main character finds out and tries to blackmail them but after several encounters they start to like each other but there is a lack of trust so it makes rift in their 'blossoming' relationship where the fuck was I going with this one what
-A very serious lack of fucks (or you could change 'fuck' to 'clouds')
-Chapter # - the end of the beginning
-Problems with the weather
-Muffins, Puffins, and a very short Assassin (I just thought of three words someone please make a one shot that includes this it'd be hilarious)
-'I told you I don't need glasses'
'That is literally the cat'
'*mumbles* I thought it was a doormat''I could make a gang'
'You should probably ask your mum first'
-How to Commit a Murder (demonstration provided)
It's the middle of philosophy I'll write s'more later
Jesus out~
Story Titles, Chapter Names, and Ideas
NezařaditelnéI had a few ideas of names for a book or something.