Day 1

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"Oh my god look at it!"

Jamie's voice interrupts my train of thought, my mind is full of thoughts of last summer and I wonder who I'll meet this time, irritated I say "Yeah I know" not all that enthusiastically. She's great and all that, like she's my best friend but she can annoy me now and again. It's her first time at Camp, I've never taken a friend before now but she begged because she loves the way I make it sound. My only worry is that boys will prefer her over me... I mean she's super skinny and her hair is gorgeous, honey coloured and wavy... And she is a huge flirt. I tell myself not to worry as Mum says "We're here, do you want me to come and sign you in?". She says this every year and every year I say no, you think she'd learn! "No that's okay" I reply with a smile as I get out and kiss her on the cheek through the open window. The heat beats down on my back and I squint up at the stately home above me. We haul our bags out of the boot and wheel them to the double doors ahead.

Inside the ceiling is high and there are slightly creepy family portraits of Edwardian families hanging in grand gold frames on the walls. I can see a front desk with a few cheerful 20-something's in bright red polo shirts, these are our instructors for the week. "Hey!!" A blonde girl with freckles on every inch of her face greets us. "I'm Ally, your group leader! What are you guys names?" I sigh, some of them are just too enthusiastic for their own good. "Jamie Sands and Holly Marsh" I say "I think we're group 5?". The groups are age sorted so it feels good being able to say I'm the oldest this year. "Yep! I see you!" She ticks off our names "Your group are just through that door, not all of them are here yet... Here are your dorm passes! You guys are cabin 26!!" I take the passes from her, thank her and feel a pang of nerves as I walk towards the next room. What will they think of me? Oh god, I shouldn't have worn this top... What is my hair doing? All these thoughts cross my mind as we push the heavy door open.

Inside sit 3 people. One boy who looks terrified and wears a green fleece sits hunched in the corner... He looks like he hasn't washed in about a year. Two girls, obviously twins, both with long red hair and matching jeans and tops with butterflies on whisper to each other at the back of the room. They are dressed like 9 year olds. God, this is lame.

Over about an hour people start arriving, all of them seem nice and everything but most of them are girls and the boys that are there are boring and not that attractive. Typically Jamie's flirting with one already. "Ohh really??" I hear her saying, a little over enthusiastically, "Me too!! Wow! I loooove FIFA soooo much! Omg, we have so much in common!". I sigh and roll my eyes, really? The FIFA line again?! This is going to be a very long 2 weeks.

"Okay everyone!" Ally, our group leader walks through the door carrying a spongy football and a clipboard. "Who wants to do name-games! Not all the group are here yet but it's 3 now so we'd better crack on!" Ugh, name-games. Every year they make us go through this. It's just an embarrassing and boring experience for everyone! We all know that the only time you get to know people on these things is when we all play truth or dare or get chatting, nobody's actually going to take this seriously. I look around, there's only about 10 people here anyway? Why bother. "Hey, moody-face?" Ally says to me with a huge grin, I realise I've been scowling. "Oh, hi!" I say as enthusiastically as I can "What are we talking about, sorry?" She sighs slightly and then replaces her huge false smile. "Name and an interesting fact about yourself!" Oh, I hate this! What's interesting about me?! "Ummm..." I say "Well, I'm Holly and... I have been here every summer since I was 8?.." I know it's a lame fact, to be honest it just makes me seem weird! But my parents only send me here because these are the only two weeks they take time off their glamorous jobs in London, apart of Christmas, and they like to spend it alone together instead if with their daughter. "Okay!" Ally says, a little less enthusiastically "Right so what about you Jamie?" But before she can answer a boy walks through the door.

He's a little chubby and is wearing black jeans and a plain black hoodie with grey converse. His thick and unruly dark hair is too long and brushes into his eyes. He carries a large green bag and looks a bit embarrassed "The others are just checking in.." He says awkwardly. "Take a seat!" Says Ally, motioning to the circle we have made sitting on the floor "Okay.." He says slowly, then hesitates glancing at the door for his friends, he seems a little shy. "So what's your name?" Ally says, a little patronisingly "Umm... Ross" we giggle because for a moment he seemed to have forgotten his own name. "Heeeey" another boy walks through the door, this one a little better looking than the last. He's wearing black jeans and black converse with a loose white shirt underneath a denim jacket. He has a little smile on his face and seems much more confident than Ross "Um, where should I sit?" Ally is about to speak but Jamie chips in "There's a space here..?" Here we go. "Okay" he shrugs and sits cross legged next to her and one person away from me. "So who are you?" Ally says

"Adam!" he says cheerfully "Hey!"

"I don't think there's any point starting the name games until the rest of you come through so shall we just-"

"Sorry sorry sorry we're late!" Says a boy loudly as he walks through the door. He is tall and has longish blond hair with shorter sides, he wears a grey tshirt and black jeans with black converse and is carrying a large bag too. He throws it down with a crash and sits, smiling. "Matty will be through in a sec, he's... in the loo". The other boys exchange a knowing look. I can't take my eyes off him, he's more attractive still than the others, has a strong jaw and a good figure. "Okay we'll just wait for Matty. You're..." She glances at her checklist, which she's been ticking names off of "George!" She announces.

"Yep!" He says. We sit for maybe 5 awkward minutes before we hear the door open. "Wooo hey you guys!" Matty, I assume, near shouts as he slouches through the door. He's simultaneously the most attractive and odd-looking boy I've ever seen. Well, not odd-looking but quirky I guess. He's wearing black jeans with a rip in one knee, a long tshirt which reaches halfway up his thigh, he has a battered leather jacket on over it and a pair of Ray-Bans. The only luggage he has is a small black backpack which doesn't appear to have much in it.

"Finally everyone's here!" Says Ally "Matty, take a seat wherever you like" I glance up at him and he looks me right in the eyes with that hazy expression of his. "I think I'll sit next to these lovely ladies" he says and gestures towards me and Jamie! I feel a pang of excitement as I smile up at him, he sits himself right next to me, between Jamie and myself! He gives me a cheeky half smile and sits with his legs outstretched in from of him, leaning back casually. Oh god he's so cool.

"So, Matty! We were just going around the circle and saying our names and something interesting about ourselves! Care to say yours?" Ally says this hopefully, evidently not expecting a response worth hearing "Wellll..." He drawls "I'm Matty Healy and I'm in a band!" Of course he fucking is, he is just too perfect. "Really?" Says Ally, a little surprised to get a decent answer "What do you play?"

"Guitar and singing... What am I saying WE'RE in a band, right boys? There's me taking all the credit! OUR band is called The 1975" the other boys nod as Ally says "Oh... Interesting" she clearly dislikes the name, I think it's cool.

For the next hour we go around the circle and learn meaningless things about each other. The scared boy in the fleece is called Josh and has a pet iguana named Sally, a blonde girl with awful ginger roots is called Meg and she works in a Salon, ect ect. I'm so glad Matty and the others are here or I'd be wishing I was home right now, this group really are the lamest group ever.

We walk to our cabins to unpack and wait to be called for dinner. All of us are dragging huge luggage except Matty who swaggers ahead with nothing but his empty-looking backpack. The cabins are all joined to each other in rows of 10 with another row of 10 backing onto each other so that the blocks are made of 20 cabins. It's girls on one side and boys on the other. As I walk to number 26, the last cabin in our row, Matty pokes his head around the corner "If you need me, I'm right next door" he winks and disappears leaving me wondering how I ever thought this summer might be bad, this will be the best one yet.


Okay so this is Day 1 done! There will be 14 days in total to cover the whole holiday! There will be sex and drugs later on, (so be patient, haha!) hope you like! If you have any ideas or feedback feel free to comment xxx

// It's just you and I tonight // (A Matty Healy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now