Day 11

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I wake up suddenly at 8am and can't get back to sleep again. My head is throbbing and I feel dizzy for a moment as I step out of bed. I look out of the French windows at the park and city below. Matty is still fast asleep. I leave the room, opening and closing the door as quietly as I can so as not to wake him.

I walk down the marble spiral stairs until I reach the kitchen with the attached living room. I go in and see the bottle of tequila on the surface still, nearly empty. We had stayed up and watched TV in silence after Matty had finished crying, he stopped after 5 minutes or so. He'd just needed to zone out for a while. I'd rested my head on his shoulder and we'd watched some movie they were showing, I can't even remember what it was.

I look in the huge American style fridge-freezer for something to eat. It's absolutely stacked with Waitrose ready meals, the really posh kind. the only other things in there are a bottle of milk, an unopened bottle of Champagne and some butter. I look in the bread bin but there is none. I don't expect there'll be a corner shop in this neighbourhood so I take out two ready meals from the top. One is chicken chow mein and the other is spaghetti carbonara. I put the first in the microwave and go upstairs to see how Matty's doing. He's fast asleep. I sit next to him on the bed and kiss him on the forehead.

"I love you" I whisper

"Mmm... you too" he mumbles, making me jump

"Sorry, I thought you were asleep!"

"Well... I'm not now" he says with a sleepy smile "Come here, babe" he says, extending his arms out to me. I lean in for a hug and he pulls me close, rolling over so we're spooning. He starts to kiss me on the neck. Softly at first so that I don't know what he wants out of it, but soon the pressure intensifies and it becomes clear. He guides himself on top of me and continues to kiss my neck, working his kisses down my body to between my legs.

Afterwards, Matty throws on some clean boxers and I put on the pink long sleeved top I got out for him yesterday over my superman pants that I got from Topshop. We walk down and I get the ready meal out of the microwave. It's still luke-warm so I reheat it a little more first and put the next one in. When they're done we tip them out into stylish black square bowls and sit out on our balcony eating.

"Mmm" I say "your dad has good taste in ready meals" I smile at him but he looks down at his food

"Yeah... Apparently he also has good taste in girlfriends..." I look him in the eye and he smiles but his eyes look sad

"I'm sorry" I say "I didn't mean-"

"It's fine, Hols, really I... I guess I just feel like... like things were alright and now... they're just turning to shit" he runs his hand through his hair and I put my hand on his arm

"Look at me, babe, we're not turning to shit okay? We're perfect. Remember that?" he nods and I remember "we were gonna go out in London today, remember? C'mon it'll be great!" he smiles at me

"Yeah okay" he grins "let's do it"

We dump our bowls on the side and go up to our room. I dress in a black skirt and white crop top with my DM's and Matty wears his The Neighbourhood shirt and his black jeans with DM's too. We step out the door and I suddenly feel what I felt on the way here, that I'm out of place here because of how I dress. There's a warm breeze and I can forget about that pretty easily as we stroll to the tube station. The city is already buzzing but mainly with business people. The train journey is shorter and less complicated than the one we took to get here. We soon arrive in Camden. The shop fronts are pretty normal at first but you can tell there's something different about this part of town. As we step out onto the pavement I see a man with a metre high green mohawk and a woman in a completely 50's rockabilly style outfit with tattoos on every part of her that I can see apart from her face. I've never seen so many people in Doc Martens. Me and Matty for right in. As we walk on through the packed streets we come to Camden market and Camden lock. The market is full of stalls selling band tshirts, vinyl and fake DM's. As we walk on to the lock the stalls get more interesting. There's some really cool art and people selling food from all over the world. I love the atmosphere, it's totally accepting! Whereas at Matty's dad's I feel out if place, here I feel right at home.

// It's just you and I tonight // (A Matty Healy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now