( F ) Human Pikachu x Male reader

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You and your female friend Pikachu went towards a forest where she lived and you said your goodbyes before walking home to your house where you were cuddling your Pikachu plushie

Y/n: "mom can I marry Pikachu?"

Mom: "no its against the law"

You didn't say anything after that so you went to bed only to wake up to Pikachu sleeping beside you

Pikachu: "Pika chu"

Y/n:" your cute Pikachu."

You hugged it and went to sleep but you slowly woke up to another girl beside you and she was nuzzling into your chest

Y/n: "O my God."

You squeezed her butt to see if it was real. But then you heard her moan in pleasure. Then after you slowly walked out of the room but. To the door, it creaked making a sound that alarmed Pikachu.

Pikachu: "master..."

Y/n: "yes. Pikachu "

Pikachu: "can you come back to bed with me"

Y/n: "I need to go to work "

Pikachu: "master I've been with you ever since you were little you don't work and you mast*****e all the time"

Y/n: "well you are pretty hot and cute. But I need to go to Mays house "

Pikachu: "Who's that?"

Y/n: "That my girlfriend. Hope you are not upset "

Pikachu:" I got you fam. Totally got you"

You went to Mays house. To only find out she was hung by a rope tied to the ceiling

Y/n:" f**k...........it's was bound to happen...... why so soon"

You went walking away and you closed her eyes out of respect

You walked home seeing Pikachu in a maid outfit

Pikachu:" Oh master your back~. I've waited for you~"

I just looked at her as she was bent over showing me cute round bubble butt. But all I did was just look at her with a look of disappointment then she felt her heart racing as she never seen you look like this.

Pikachu:" m-master i-is something w-wrong?"

She asked in a frightening yet scared tone because she didn't want to hear what she thought I was going to say.

Y/n:" Why did you do it.....why did you kill her......?"

I asked as I got closer and closer to her. But she kept backing away as she is afraid I was going to hit her or something.

Y/n:" Do you like seeing me Sad and depressed....."

Pikachu felt her heart drop even more as you kept saying things to her and got even closer.

Pikachu:"..........s-she was getting in the way.....of m-my l-love for you....."

Y/n:" Just a typical Yandere. Same excuse as always. It's kinda getting boring now. "

Pikachu:" It's an okay master you can love me now! She's gone for good!"

What she said actually surprised me because I wasn't expecting such answers like this" we will be together forever master~" she kept saying the same thing until she got close to me and whispered in my ear " it's sad you won't get to see our children made~" She knocked me out and dragged to me to my basement where no one was able to hear my scream for help, no one could hear me....not even my parents...

Female Pokemon VariousWhere stories live. Discover now