Chapter 1

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Left. Once again. They said it would be different tonight. They promised they wouldn't run off with some new group of guys that gave them a second glance. Well, that's what they say every time Elle and that's what you believe every time. One day, one day I won't fall for this crap, but that day was evidently not today.

See I was the responsible friend. I was the one who always said Are you sure you want to do that? or Didn't you say no more lying to your parents? I was the girl everyone called a goody goody, and I was fine with that. I was fine being the designated driver. I was fine being the "chaperone". Sometimes it got old though. TImes like this when I was waiting outside the Soho House in London waiting for my friends to return from their little joyride with the three new boys they met inside.

This is how it usually went. Every weekend, my friends and I got all dressed up and picked a club or nice restaraunt to go to. Some guy would come and chat one of them up and then they would go off together. As the night progressed, the others would go off with some random guy they just met. Then that would leave me. Don't get me wrong, the guys came and talked to me some, but the only ones who wanted to stick around were usually a good 10 years older or had complete creeper status.

Tonight, a group of guys came up to us and asked if we wanted to go to a new look out point over the city. I was never good with meeting new people, so I told my friends to go on without me. Of course there was the usual, Oh come on Elle, you never do anything fun. Don't be a party pooper Elle. What's the worst that could happen Elle? What's the worst that could happen? Oh I don't know, they could all be serial killers who kill us all and then drop us in the Thames. But my friends never listened to that, and instead they rolled their eyes.

So, they went off with the new boys, I think their names were Michael, Ashton, and Calum. I had never seen them at this club before, so they must be visitng from somewhere. Now it was just me waiting outside the doors and watching as the people passed by. I could do this forever though, because London was such an interesting city.

As I was about to turn and head back inside I felt someone rush outside next to me. He looked like he had lost his little brother and he was about to be in big trouble. He turned and look at me like he was about to say something and then let out an exasperated sigh.

"Have you seen three guys all pretty tall, maybe a little shorter than me, one has some highlighter pink hair?"

"Yeah, actually I think my friends just rode off with them"

"Shit not again."

He seemed worried, and now I was worried about m serial killer prediction again.

"What? They're not ax murderers are they?

"What? What no? Why would you even say that? No I told them to wait on me while I went to the toilet, but once again they found some girls and left. This happens every time we go out."

"Hey well if it makes you feel any better, my story is pretty much the same. Except I told my friends to go without me."

Ok now I wasn't really regretting letting my friends go on without me. This is the longest any guy has stayed to talk to me who wasn't 40 or homeless.

"Well love, I guess it's just you and me for a while. What's your name?"

"Elle, Elle Taylor. What about you? What's your name?"

"Luke, my name's Luke Hemmings."

oooook i started a new please read and share!! i hope you love it!! thanks so much xx

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