Doctor, Apaan Ni Coba? (Bukan Cover)

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Kamu pernah kena write's block? Kalau aku, selain membaca maka aku pergi ke website bernama Plot Generator buat cari inspirasi, itu pun jika kamu lumayan bahasa Inggris-nya.

Link :

Oke, ini ceritanya! 

Bahasa Inggris :

"Doctor, what do you think of my grey anu?"

"Er... I don't know, dear."

"What about my red Hati Gebetan? Some say they're like a hot ANJING!."


"Do you think my Dinding Kehidupan are like a simple map?"

"Where on earth did you hear a thing like that?"

"Mummy says that my Azab is like a cursed banana that likes walking darkly whilst waving its eyebrows."

"That's... um... nice. Perhaps we should talk about something else now."

"You know when you menenggelamkan diri brilliantly? I heard it was like brutally sitting."

"Oh look, kebakaran outside!"

"But Doctor, I am a deep Tahu!"

Ngerti nggak?

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