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I got tag ... You know what, no one.

About myself.

My real name is Alya, it just a first name. My actual name has 5 words and very cathy. Call me Kiprang instead.

I'm 16 years old. But, I'm very old and rotten inside XD

I'm a proud Muslimah and live in Indonesia.

My sexuality is straight, but I don't have a crush, even for fictional character. If I do, it only last for probably a day.

My personality? Its kinda hard to explain because I always changes. Mostly, I'm a bookworm, imaginative and animal lover (I'm also a carnivore, what an irony XD).

I don't really have a fandom, even in cartoon or fictions. If I do, I don't really follow the show. Because I'm too lazy to watch things, I prefer reading novel or just watching youtube.

My idols are classic novelist like Edgar Poe, Alexandre Dumas, Arthur Conan Doyle etc. While my favorite musican just Mothy or Akuno-P.

I'm the second and last child. I have an older brother.

There's 6 cats in my house. Qiu Pi, Milla, Miaw, Ziel, Grey and Bleki. Sometimes, we talk each other about life XD. Animals count as my best friend when humans not satifies me enough.

My hobbies are daydreaming and reading classic books. But at some point, I prefer reading modern fiction if I don't have reading material. I also like memes and musics, especially vocaloid (Evillious Chronicles is my favorite series).

My favorite genre of fictions is fantasy, thriller, mystery (Sherlock Holmes), horror (Stephen King and Edgar Poe only XD), but sometimes I like comedy, but rarely. I dislike romance and teenfic. I also love light novels.

Fears? I don't really scare at some point, sometimes I fearless, sometimes chicken. But my fear is something in darkness and deep water (if its dirty, because you don't know what's down there).

I also dislike person who prefer themself as things they don't really know. (ex : an otaku who watch only 7 anime and only talk 'watashi.' A bookworm who only read 3 novel and very lazy to read, or a yandere / psycho who cares about other people [because in real life, they're just demon with flesh] etc). Well, I hate fraud(s).

OTP? I'm ship nobody.

That's all I got XD

Tags (sorry for the tag)

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