Fragment 25.)

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(or Ode to My Tongue)

First of all let me just say that we have been through so much together. Thick and thin. Smooth and course paths. Bitter and sweet moments. And other questionable things that probably shouldn't be put into young mouths.

Thank you for always being there for helping me say the things that I actually had the gumption to say. Swinging slurs and melodies between sensitive teeth and pulling the unholiness from my throat only to make almost everyone I love to believe that I am a "Satanist" or a "Lesbian". Not that there isn't a bit of truth lying there. My words would never make the impact that they do now if it wasn't for your tenderness helping the sounds come out...almost right.

There is so much magic that this mouth holds. Did you know that the tongue is the only exterior muscle! Its the only part of you that lies inside of you but you can still see it. Also your touch screen phone can recognize your tongue as your finger. You can literally scroll-lick through Instagram food porn! Go ahead try it.

Okay stop making out with your phone....Silly.


Hello lovelies. Hope you're all well and happy. Here's a silly poem to cheer anybody up that needs cheering up. Anyway, please vote,comment, and follow for more of my writings. And if you have any questions feel free to message me! Have a lovely day.~☕

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