Chapter 3

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   I couldn't sleep for the following nights. The thought of me being the same as the creatures I was taught to hate, it kept running through my mind, barking at me every second of the night (PUN INTENDED). I couldn't sleep not with knowing that everything I have now is thanks to the one woman that brought me here. I didn't know why, I couldn't remember, I knew she was of my blood though. If anyone knew it would be her.
The thought raced through my mind. I was fearful of what I was thinking, but it may be the only way to get answers.
I gathered my things, but them in a carrier and headed off.
I found the clearing. From there I made my way to the edge of the forest. For a while it was only flat landers area, but in the distance I saw what looked like fire, without the smoke. I became more curious. This is where I will find answers. If being with the pack taught me one thing it's to trust my instincts, and right now, in this moment, I feel as I need to go toward the mysterious fire.
My feet began moving, ine in front if the other, toward the fire. At an estement it would take until dawn to get there. I walked not knowing what would happen. I needed answers. I need to know who I am.


   I start nearing the fire more, and it doesn't look like a normal fire like the ones Amos taught me to create when I was cold. This was more controlled, captured in tall structures, some taller than trees. The sun was barely starting to appear over the horizon, hues of pink and orange shot across the sky, mixed with a bright blue. It was a beautiful sight, one that I had trouble seeing normally. The trees of the forest covered the sky, it covered everything unknown to me. Amos would tell me tales of the creatures that painted the sky every morning and evening. I couldn't believe that I was finally seeing it, not from under trees but from another world. I felt warm, I knew that I was gonna find my answers, I didn't care what happened.
   I finally made it to the place with fire, the sun had now risen and it was bright, it was still morning, you could feel the air and tell, but it was harder.... Like something was hiding the feeling. Almost like the sensation of a morning breeze had been swept away to a different place.
   I was surrounded by giant structures, they seemed as though they were touching the sky. Quick, weird animals zoomed by, back and forth, as though they were playing. They didn't appear to have eyes, and some growled and roared louder than others; they all came in different hues and sizes.
Soon after all of these started to appear, large groups of these... humans.... started to appear.
   I stumbled around this place, until I accidentally ran into a human, they were tall with red hair, almost like the wild flowers back in the forest. The eyes were red and yellow, and they had a black cover with something purple around their neck.
I fell back, but right before I got the ground, they grabbed my hand helping me back up.
   "Sorry, about that, I should probably watch where I'm going next time."
   They say at I stare confused. Amos had always time me humans were cruel, violent creatures, this one seemed nice and caring. I glanced down, looking at my hands.
   "Hey, you okay?" They asked, seemingly concerned. I nodded in response, I could understand almost perfectly what they were saying but I didn't know how to respond so I stayed silent.
   "Soooo~what's your name then? I'm Aegis Jeonghan. People usually call me  A.J. because its easier to say." I ddid't know how to reply, I glanced back up, gazing at the multi-colored eyes. Before making it noticeable, I quickly looked back down.
   "Not gonna talk, must be shy?" They say as they glance down at an injection on their wrist. "Oh shoot, I need to go," they say while running off,"Hopefully I get to see you another time, bye."


   I keep wandering around, listening to other people talking and trying to learn their ways of speech. If I was going to find answers, I needed to learn their language to ask questions. By the time the sun was raised to the mid-point of the sky, I caught on decently well on the speaking habits of these creatures, saying words back to myself to practice, like,"Hello, I am....,"and," What's up."
   I felt as though I could easily get answers that I wanted.
   Although, it had been a while since I had eaten, with the pack I would always eat once the sun became visible, and we would eat by this time of day. I hadn't eaten since the meal before I left, I needed to find food. Using skills that Amos had taught me to hunt food, I would my way to a dark space between two of the structures, in a large, green, metal box I found what seemed like scraps from some sort of meat. It didn't smell that appetizing but it would sustain my hunger for a short while.
   After that, I kept walking around, gazing at the large structures. I made my way inside one of them, it had rows and rows of different items. I found my way to a wall, covered in food. It was covered in raw meat, but it was strange, all the meat was in a container and was wrapped up in a clear substance.
    I walked through there for a while. Soon I ran into the human from earlier that day. They seemed surprised. "Well, Little Miss No Name, from earlier, right?" I nod. "So do you have a name? Or should I just call you whatever?" I stayed quiet, this human seemed harmless, and smelled friendly, like the pups but a bit smellier, but it was nice, almost. "So are you gonna tal-" I cut him off ,"A-Allyce."
   "Allyce, that's m-my n-n-name," I said, stammering trying to form sentences properly.
   "Allyce? Huh, nice name," I nod. "So how old are you? You don't seem older than 18."
   "I- I don't k-know exactly, I believe I'm-," he cut me off. "Woah! Can't understand you, it's like you're talking in a different language. It's not one I would understand or even heard of."
I was confused, then I realized I must've started speaking in my pack's language, without noticing it. Out of nowhere, my stomach growled. The human looked at me,"You must be hungry, huh?" I look at them and nod slightly. "Here go pick something to eat, I'll buy it." I looked around, I remembered the wall of meat, I ran over to it, grabbed off one of the packages that smelled closest to what Amos would always bring back for me and showed the human.
   "By 'pick something' I totally was not expecting for you to bring over a thing of lamb meat. But okay." I show a slight smile and we walk over to a place in front of the door, it had a platform, and a human was standing on the other side, they took the meat for a second and on a box, they seemed to press something on the box. There was a beep and the human put the package and set it in a bag. "Is that all, sir?" They asked. "Yes, yes it is ma'am."
"Sir? That's what it's called is a sir, and a ma'am? So the male humans are sir and the females ma'am?" (A/N: underlined letters are thoughts, and italicized are the wolf language)
   "Alright," the sir said, while starting to walk away,"I'll take you home and be on my way."
   Home? My only home was the forest with the pack, with Amos and the pups.
   "I-I- I have no home," I respond quietly, trying to form the sentence properly.
   "Are you from around here?" He questioned, most likely catching on to my stammering. I think for a moment, I kinda was from here, but not being around humans, it caused me to have trouble speaking the correct language. I could understand it perfectly fine at this point but my trouble was speaking it.

(A/N): Sorry if there is any confusion, my app is being stupid so if you see that Chapter 1 is there twice, it is the same exact thing you can skip one of them and go to Chapter 2. At least on my phone it is saying that I posted Chapter 1 twice. Sorry for any confusion, otherwise I hope you all enjoy the story!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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