CH 14

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gif banner by reminiscence <3

We're finally back in the rusted pick up truck, the seats sopping wet from being poured onto by the rain clouds of DOOM. As soon as you sit down, the cushioned seats ooze water.

I lay my head on the window (instead of Kendall's shoulder which just happens to be right next to me) and sigh, shutting my eyes.

"Did... you sleep well?" Mr. Greene tries to engage in conversation, to ease the tension in the truck.

Kendall and I glare at him.

"We were stuck in a dumpster for twelve hours with nothing but metal and your legs on top of us. We slept amazing," Kendall rolls his eyes sarcastically.

"It looked like you two were comfortable when I woke up," Mr. Greene chuckles.

My cheeks turn red, and I clench and unclench my fists nervously.

"S-so did you," Kendall says, tensed up next to me.

"Yeah... You took all the space," I cross my arms.

"Oh waah. I'm an old guy, give me some slack," he smiles.

Kendall glares at Mr. Greene.

"Anyway," He says looking over at us.

Shouldn't have done that.

It all happens so fast. A zombie in the road. No big deal, right? We try to maneuver the car around it, ending up swerving and slipping on a slick spot in the road, ramming into a tree.

It takes the wind out of me, I gasp for air as the front windshield shatters into tiny pieces around us.

"I-Is everyone alright?" Mr. Greene asks, wincing.

I nod, I can't make any words come out of my mouth. I look over at Mr. Greene. His arm is bleeding and he's holding his head like he has a massive headache.

"Are you alright?" I ask him quietly.

"Don't worry about me," He says. The Zombie. The zombie's coming towards us now, smelling blood and torn flesh.

I look over at Mr. Greene's arm, slashed from a piece of glass from his driver's seat window. I grab my knife and try to step out of the car, Kendall following me.

"Stay here," He tells Mr. Greene. Mr. Greene wipes his forehead with a handkerchief and nods.

Kendall raises his gun, ready to shoot. "No," I put a hand in front of him to keep him from shooting.

"You'll attract more. We use our knives," I say. As scary as that sounds, I'd rather kill one and get really close than have to kill 20.

"Are you sure?" Kendall asks me, putting his gun away. I nod and gulp, "I'm sure."

"I'll go up behind it," Kendall says. He starts a big circle around it, starting to make his way towards the back of it's head.

The zombie keeps getting closer and closer, Kendall following it quietly; so it doesn't turn around and go the opposite way.

"Kendall," I say, my feet crunching over glass. We're nearing the ditch; and the zombie isn't slowing down. He's out to get me for sure.

"I'm going as fast as I can, El," He mutters, limping towards the zombie like a tortoise. The zombie is going faster than him.

I step down in the ditch, my hand on the side of the truck. The zombie stumbles and grabs onto my arms, his mouth trying to grab anything. My hair, my arm, my stomach, my neck.

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