Chapter 12

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I don't know where to put the knife, so I hold onto it as we walk. It makes me feel safer, knowing I have it if we get attacked. In the distance I hear the sound of a cannon. I suppose tonight we'll see who else died today. Rue and I glance at each other, it doesn't need to be said out loud but we both know that it's very likely the next cannons to fire will be for us.

"Prim. Prim. Look! Prim!" Rue is screaming at me. My nose picks up the scent of smoke. My eyes travel upwards in time to see a forest being consumed by fire. My mind is telling me to run, but my legs are frozen with fear. I know if I run and leave Peeta here he will die, but id I stay I'm putting my own life on the line. I only have seconds to think this through before we are all burned to a crisp.

"Prim what are we doing?" Rue's voice rises in a state of panic.

"Help me get Peeta out of here" I say. I pull his arm over my shoulder, Rue does the same. I try to walk as fast as I can, but Peeta's leg makes that hard. He walks awkwardly, trying to keep up with Rue and I. "Just leave me here" Peeta's voice is raspy, the smoke is getting into his lungs. We aren't moving fast enough. I slip Peeta's arm off my shoulder and run off into the woods, searching for a branch sturdy enough for Peeta to use as a walking stick. I find one, entangled in a bush. I pick up one end of the stick and tug on it, trying to free it from the bush. The smoke is finding its way into my lungs too, I cough and yank on the stick harder. Finally the bush releases it and I hurry back to Rue and Peeta. I shove the stick into his hand and he gives me a small nod.

"Now lets hurry up" I say, the smoke burning my throat. I look over my shoulder and see just how close we are to being demolished by the fire. Too close. I run ahead,hoping Rue and Peeta will follow closely behind me. My lungs feel like they are being cooked. I cough and cough until until my body decides to get rid of all the smoke I've inhaled and I vomit a putrid substance. I pick myself off the ground as soon as I see Rue and Peeta walking past me. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to stop the smoke from stinging my eyes. In my head, I imagine Katniss staring into the screen watching and dreading the day I get killed. My mind shows me Rory watching me eagerly, cheering me on and telling me that I can do it. I bring my hand up to the necklace he gave me and force myself to move. I run after Rue and Peeta, being extra cautious not to trip over the roots sticking out of the ground or the rocks jutting out every which way.

"Clove! Clove!" I hear someone's raspy voice call. I know it's not Rue or Peeta. It must be one of the careers, calling to another. They sound close but I doubt we are their first priority. Like us, their's is to escape the fire. I pass Peeta, who is still struggling to keep up. This must be the gamemakers way of driving Peeta, Rue, and I closer to the career pack. Possibly people in the Capitol are bored, maybe the last death was too quiet for them. I imagine my mother and Katniss now, their eyes locked on the screen of the beat up television. Urging me to keep moving, to get out of here as fast as I can. Oh how I miss everyone back in district 12. So many people I will never see again.

"They're going the other way. We can get away from them" Rue says.


"They're heading to the left, we can run that way" she outstretches her hand to point to the right "and get away from them"

I nod eagerly, feeling a new spark of hope flickering inside me. We could live! I redirect myself, letting my legs carry me faster, fueled on my will to make it through the day. I look briefly over my shoulder to look at the fiery wall, now reduced to a glowing light in the distance. Somewhere, the gamemakers pressing a button, diminishing the monstrous flames that could roast a tribute in minutes. I let out a relieved sigh, at least that is gone for now. But who knows what troubles lie ahead.


Hey guys, I went on a weeklong trip so I really only had a couple days to work on it, so please excuse any grammer and/or spelling mistakes. And the shortness of it, my apologies :( don't give up on me, pretty please! Next chapter will be longer, as I will have more time to write. Please comment and vote and fan me if you're awesome enough to do those things... :)


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