Chapter 1 (Not Finished)

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Hi This Is My First Time Writting So I Just Stared With This....

Hailey Was Walking Down The Street When Someone Covered Her Eyes "Give Me Your Heart & No One Gets Hurt" a Voice Said. Hailey Smiled Knowing Who It Was. "You Know One Off These Days I Could Kick You" Hailey Said "I Know Its You hayes" She Continued " She Turned Around & Too her surprise It Was Ben. He Was Hailey First LOVEE But She Fell In love With hayes After her & Ben Broke up. Cookie Came and Said " BEN I TOLD YOU HAILEY DOESNT WANT YOU LIKE ANYMORE" Cookie Was Haileys Best Friends They Were Alway ss Together Facing the cruel World that is Of HIGH SCHOOL Cookie Was Tall with Green Eyes her & Hailey Were like The two Prettiest girls in The school. Cookies Real Name Is Cody She Never Liked Her Name So Everytime She met someone She Said "Hi Im Cody But You Can Call Me Cookie" Thats Been Her Nickname Since Birth Her Dad Called Her That But Sadly He Died When Cookie Was 4 Years old It was horrible for cookie thats when she Meet Hailey. Hailey Lost her mom At That same age "So i Guess you lost someone too" Little Cookie said "Yeah My mom" little Hailey Responded "Me Too My Dad" Cookie anwserd "Hi Im Cody But You can call me cookie" Cookie Said "Im hailey" Hailey Responded "So No Nickname" Cookie Said "No Cookie I Like yours tho" Hailey anwsered 11 years later They are still friends Hailey Meatt ben Freshman year She Really hated Him His Really Annoying But She Fell In Love withh now sophomore year they broke up "BEN ?WHAT THE FUCK WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TOO MEE?" Ben Was Making out in the couch In cookies & haileys favorite spot in a restarount "Hanky's" Ben was A Full Blown AssHole "HAILEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Ben Sounded Scared Because Cookie Was with her He Knew Cookie will beat his sorry ass."MHM I DONT KNOW JUST COMING TO A RESTAROUNT I HAVE BEEEN COMMING TO SINCE I WAS LITTLE !" She Sounded Pissed "Look Im Sorry" Ben said "IM SORRY TOO FOR BEING A BAD GIRLFRIEND" She Left Crying Cookie Grabbed His Collar "BEN I WILL FRICKING KILL YOUR WHINY ASS BUT I WON'T DO YOU KNOW WHY?" cookie sounded scary "because im a good friend" He sounded Happy "NOO BEACAUSE YOU AINT WORTH IT BUT NOW NEVER FUCKING MIND" She Grabbed a bat and hit his knee She left to Haileys house "Rember The Bat Ben? Do You Want it again?" Cookie said Ben Then said "OK I Will leave" hayes Came Later hayes Had blue eyes & Black hair But he had dimples & Had A Cute smile & Not too mention Haileys name kinda starts with hay like hayes she liked that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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