three - maddy has a bad day, and then a sad one

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three - maddy has a bad day, and then a sad one

~ don’t waste your time on me, you’re already the voice inside my head ~

Maddy was fuming.

She wasn’t just mad - she was furious. She could almost feel the steam coming out of her ears, and it almost seemed like her vision was tinted red. Everything she saw she felt like kicking, and everybody she saw she wanted to punch in the face. And when Maddy was this angry, it was most definitely not a good idea for her to drive home.

But she didn’t make the best decisions when she was this mad.

She slammed the door to her Jeep and jammed the keys into the ignition. She ran her hands down her face, pulling at the skin under her eyes and her lips.

Fucking Mr. Lake. That bastard.

When Elissa had walked into the room, Maddy was sure that she was just going to ask the Chemistry teacher to raise her grade on some stupid paper she probably failed. She had even smirked; that’s what you get when you go out and party every weekend instead of doing your fucking homework. 

Maddy was failing the class too. But that wasn’t important.

And when she heard that Elissa was her tutor? Stunned. Astonished. Completely flabbergasted. Not to mention the fact that her name wasn’t even Elle - concise, sophisticated, young Elle. It was fucking Elissa (which would actually be a pretty name, really, if it didn't belong to her).

As amusing as Maddy found the situation, she decided that the tutoring simply would not work out. Elissa and Maddy weren’t just on totally different ends of the social structure, but their personalities just clashed. Elissa was this skinny bitch, and Maddy could probably snap her in half by sitting on her. There was just something about Elissa that seemed exotic, somehow. Maybe it was her long dark hair, or her flawless tan skin, or just the fact that she was beautifully Asian that caused mouths to drool wherever she walked. Maddy? She was white and chubby. Not exactly a teenage dream.

Besides their differences, Elissa just acted so flustered the whole time, like she didn’t know how to start a conversation. Maddy had snickered; was she that intimidating? Even though it took ten minutes - at most - for them to arrange a meeting time and place for sessions for the next two months (even though Maddy didn’t think either of them planned on showing up), it was enough time for Maddy to feel close to vomiting, and she didn’t think it was the Victoria’s Secret perfume Elissa had sprayed on.

Naturally, as any rational girl would do, she stayed after school to talk to her teacher about his horrendous taste in partnerships. She did her best to change his mind, hoping that Elissa would come in to complain as well to prove her point. Despite her carefully put-together arguments on the situation and amazing alternatives to tutoring (read: begging on her knees for five minutes), he refused to comply. Instead, he insisted that she stick with the tutorship or risk getting the C in Chem she was guaranteed if she didn’t up her grade. 

Then some asshole spilled their Starbucks latte down her shirt. 

And she went from having a bad day to an awful  one.

After yelling at the the careless offender for a good five minutes, a sopping wet Maddy made her way to her car. It just wasn’t fair. She wasn’t getting great grades in anything besides AP English and Art, she was being forced to work with the single person she couldn’t stand to bring up her grade, and now she was sticky with fucking coffee. 

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