five - tutoring

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five - tutoring 

“Come in, come in,” ushered Elissa, decked in a golden gown. Peacock feathers sprouted from her raven hair as if they were antlers. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

Maddy pulls her shawl tighter around her chest, shivering as she made her way up the steps to Elissa’s palace. Each step she took was carefully calculated as her heels were bordering on five inches. Immediately upon entering, she pawned her shawl off to the butler, revealing her corseted satin green gown. She looked down self-consciously, feeling like a peasant next to Queen Elissa.

“It makes your eyes pop, dear, it really does,” Elissa gushed, linking an arm through Maddy’s. “And your hair is stunning. Where did you get it done? I must make sure to have them style my hair.”

“I did it myself, actually,” Maddy bragged, raising a delicate hand to touch the daisies that she had braided into her strawberry locks. “I was going for an Elsa sort of look.”

Elissa’s lips turned up in what looked to be a smile. “Ah, yes, Elsa. Speaking of her, she’s at the banquet right now. I’m sure she’s sniffing the chocolates again. She’s really an interesting princess, isn’t she?”

The two princesses both laughed at their friend’s silliness, throwing their heads back for a few seconds before regaining composure. Maddy pardoned herself from the conversation and headed to the banquet herself, where she intended to eat the chocolate that Elsa was hovering around. She couldn’t help but laugh when she saw Elsa, who picked each carefully wrapped delicacy up between two fingers and brought it to her nose before setting it down and moving on to the next sweet.

“Hello there, Queen Elsa of Arendelle,” Maddy greeted her royally, curtsying. “It’s always a pleasure.”

“Ah, Queen Madeline of the United States.” Elsa curtsies as well. “It’s lovely to see you again.”

Maddy smiled, deciding not to correct Elsa on her name - it was just Maddy, not Madeline. Nothing fancy. But she says nothing, and just pops a treat in her mouth.

But something’s wrong with it - what could it be? Maddy chewed for a few moments before she realized - the chocolate was on fire! She had just eaten a flaming chocolate! She spat it out quickly, and it landed on Elsa’s dress, who immediately burst into flames. 

“What the fuck?” Elsa screamed, blue ice dress quickly melting and skin peeling off her face until all Maddy can see is bone, paler than a ghost.

And the bones start to puff up as if they had been stung by a bee, becoming larger and larger until Elsa became a marshmallow, softy and chewy. The flames had gone out and she was left a perfectly golden, slightly scorched life-sized marshmallow that was ready to be smushed between two graham crackers and a piece of chocolate.

The ladies and dukes that gathered at the event began to eat Elsa, despite Maddy’s cries. “No! She is a human being! You can’t eat her!”

One of the ladies turned around and shoved a s’more in Maddy’s mouth. “Enjoy the party,” she said, and Maddy swallowed Elsa.

What the hell?

Maddy sat up quickly, rubbing her eyes in circles until they hurt more than they did initially. She ran her tongue over her chapped lips, still able to taste the Elsa marshmallow. She coughed. It’s just morning breath she’s tasting, not some fucked up s’more that Disney had poisoned her mind with.

Realizing her toes were less of toes and more like ice cubes, she rubbed each foot gently to get rid of the numbness and pulled socks over each foot. Maddy reluctantly trudged her way down the hallway to the bathroom (and damn, her sheets felt so. nice. today) to brush her teeth and fix her face. If there was one thing Maddy hated most in the world, it was morning breath, and she got the damn thing every. morning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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