CONSENT - short story

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Warning: This story contains some scenes regarding rape as per the demands of the plot. It can be sensitive to some people. Reader's discretion is highly advised.


My husband advanced towards the slender, cotton deprived mattress in which I and my infant were lying. The atmosphere of the room was disturbed for a while, yet it remained calm. The window was ajar and the cool summer breeze flowed in. As the clock struck 12 my eyelids smoothly covered my orbs sending me to slumber. But the short-lived dozing was broken as I sensed something lingering on my leg. I jerked off only to find my husband's leg over mine. I moved to his embrace slowly keeping in mind not to wake up the newborn.

After a few minutes, his hands started to move near my crotch area, I caught his hand in between and spoke with a muffled voice,

" What are you trying to do ? ".

He sustained the silence and came on top of me and whispered in my ear,

" The same thing which we haven't done from months ".

I tried to push his heavy body aside and said with a stern voice,

" I have given birth to a baby yesterday and I am not in the state to indulge in any activity that would cause more pain to me ."

He suddenly pulled my hair onto the pillow and spoke with anger dripping in his voice,

" I didn't ask for consent ."

And then I felt him forcing his manhood on me. I was trying to get out from the grip but all my efforts were in vain. Tears were streaming as I felt feeble and helpless for the first time. I pleaded to stop but all my pleadings were drifted in the floods of lust. The sound of my crying was more shrilling than the cry of the newborn but the common thing was there was no one to help any of us.


As I woke up I glanced across the room which was empty and recalled the last night with dried tears on my cheeks and swollen vagina between my legs. Tears again made their way out of my eyes as I hid my face inside the pillow. I cried out loud my voice inaudible, resonating inside the foam of the pillow. I felt humiliated and furious to an indescribable extent. 

A knock on the door made me wipe my tears and fix my cloth to come out. I found my sister standing outside the door. Her wide smile suddenly flipped as she saw my face. Her big questioning eyes demanded an answer from me for my current state. And all in for a cowardly response I just hugged her and cried my heart out, dictating the incident in just 6 words,

"I was raped by my husband ".

I saw the change in her body language as her gaze pierced through my soul. In my maternal home, she was the only sister who was educated and unmarried till now. Her eyes reflected the fury and she suddenly shouted,

" Sheeri go away !!! "

,looking in the newborn direction. I saw the furry black cat of mine parting away from the baby's bed and running from the room. I was oblivious of the fact that when Sheeri entered the room. Usually these days I made her sleep outside as it was summer and to add on there's an infant in the home. My sister went towards the newborn and pulled out out a knife from her grey bag. She hid it under the mattress and spoke with a monotonous voice,

" Ma sent it for the baby, she said it will keep off the evils and negative energy away ".


My sister had not spoken a word since then. She had just picked up the baby, stuck it to her chest and we ended up here sitting in the wooden chairs of the police station. Her eyes seemed red and contemplating about something when she turned her body towards me and spoke,

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