You attended a party that this rich family was throwing. Since your family was also rich, but couldn't go, so they sent you to represent them. You hated these types of formal parties... but you were a (l/n), you were powerful here... and that you needed to stand tall for them. You wore a black tuxedo with a white tie, to match with the theme that the Schnee family had.
You walked towards the entrance, where you were stopped by a guard, "Invitation." The guard asks in a stern voice. You scoffed and handed your invitation. "Here it is. May I enter?"
The guard takes it and examines it. After examining it, he hands it back to you, "Go on."
"Have a good night." As soon as he was out of sight, you sighed. This was too formal, and that you wanted to run back home. But you were afraid of being called a coward... so you stayed.
* * *
"Welcome to the Schnee Residence." Says a young man. Instantly, you could tell that he was a Schnee... had that typically white hair and blue eyes. He greeted you, "I hope you enjoy our little... party."
"Will do." You say, walking into the grand entrance. It was something to be admired, with the amount of money they had.
Suddenly, someone catches your eye, and it seemed that it was a Schnee. All you could tell was her hair and her dress. She could've been a Schnee as she had white hair, and that blue dress with different shades reminds you of a Schnee that loved to wear that themed clothing. Weiss... the 2nd child of the Schnee family. You followed her up the grand stairs, unaware what she was trying to do.
You got to the top, and it was completely empty, except for Weiss. She held her head in her hands, looking down at the velvet carpet. "Miss Schnee?" You called out.
She looked at you, with fierce coldness corrupting her once sweet eyes. "Who are you?!" She cries out, taking a threatening step towards you. "I demand an-"
You held your hands up and surrendered. "My name is (y/n) (l/n). I was invited to this party..." She looked down and threw her fist in the air. "Is everything alright, Miss Schnee?" You asked, slowly approaching her.
Her voice was stern, but behind it, you could tell that she wanted to break down and cry. Her voice staggered, "Yes, everything's fine. What do you want?" Her anger died down as she takes her seat.
"I just wanted to talk-"
"And what? Propose to me?"
"Propose? No, that's stupid, why would I ask that in the first place?" You say, moving even closer to her. "I just wanted to talk and have someone to know here. My family was supposed to be here, but they couldn't make it... so they sent me to take their place. To, represent them."
Weiss nods, "Oh, I know that feeling..."
"So, please, if you don't mind, should we talk?" You asked, holding your dominant hand out to her. "Please, I mean no harm or anything... I just want to talk."
She gingerly takes it and shakes it. "Sure... a talk wouldn't hurt." She slowly turned to you and you saw those beautiful blue eyes. You couldn't stop blushing at how beautiful they were. A whole frozen blue lake in them, that sparkled when cracked. "What do you want to talk about?"
You smiled, "Anything, to get the awkwardness out."
She covered her mouth, but even with the classical music and the chattering downstairs, you heard her giggle. "Alright then. We know each other's names, so that's done with... and you already know who I am... but I don't know you. So please, tell me more about yourself."
You chuckled softly, "Alright... well..."
You and Weiss chattered for hours, and no one came up to bother you two. At some points, Weiss giggled at your past mistakes, and she finally opened up.
"Well... it's nice to know that I'm not the only one to make those kinds of mistakes..." She says, looking at you with gentle eyes. "As for me... I had 3 friends. Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long." She say, using her fingers to count. "I have multiple other friends, but those are the ones I'm close to."
"Close? How?"
She sighed, "Well... they cared for me, even when I acted all stupid and uptight. They held me up in times where school became such a problem. That's when those stupids mistakes happened. Or in Ruby's words, 'Amazing memories.'"
You both laughed, "She's not wrong. Whenever mistakes were made around friends, they tend to laugh it off or make it as a joke. They do become memories..."
She smiled, "Yeah..."
The party downstairs finally died down, since the guests were leaving. You sighed, you didn't want to leave this heiress alone up here in a house where she couldn't talk to. "Weiss, I'm sorry, but I think I have to leave... I'm sorry."
She acted formally, but you could tell that she was disappointed. "Oh, it's okay." She pretended to smile, hiding away her true feelings. "Don't worry, I'll see you around, (y/n). It's not like we're meeting once and that's it."
You chuckled softly, walking away from her, "Well, you're the heiress here... all you can do is invite me over more."
"Oh, don't be such a dunce!" She playfully calls out after you. "I'll make sure that I'll see you again soon."
"Good, because I like talking to you..."
She rolled her eyes, "Whatever, have a good night."
"The same could be said the same to you." You say, waving her goodbye. She wasn't as all uptight as you thought she was... and perhaps, you should attend to her family parties more... just to talk to her. She was a young girl who was trapped, trapped in an icicle, waiting to be melted away. What if you were that person that melts her away? That takes her away from her problems? You don't know the answer, but you hope that one day, you'll meet her again... and that she'll be free... she was just a heiress... and she didn't want that title...

{Weiss x Male Reader} Icicles
FanfictionWeiss Schnee seems like a tough ice to break, but you were a sharp person. You pierced through her flurry of emotions and sudden, she begins to fall in love with you.