Chapter 15: In The Hands of God

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“Wake up.” A voice said waking me from my unconsciousness.

I open my eyes and my vision is blurry and my head feels all fuzzy, clouded, and heavy.

“Wake up.” The voice said.

The voice was male, old and raspy. I’m lying on my back on a cold and damp stone bed in a dark room. I turn my head to the right where the voice was coming from. There’s a dim candle light and an old man in white robes standing by the light. He walks up to me, grabs my head and slaps me.

“Wake up you dog!” The old man said.

My vision is back to normal but my head still feels strange. I see the old Pure wearing a leather mask over his face. 

“Where am I?” I asked.

“Salvation. You see God has made a trial for us mortals to cleanse our souls of our impurities. And this infection is His way to do so. We Pures are Gods champions that will help Him cleanse this world. And with your death we will be that much closer.” He said.

He turns around to a wooden door.

“Hey wait where are you going?” I said.

I try to get up but my hands and legs are bound to the stone by chains.

“You in the hands of God now. You should be grateful for this.” He said taking out a dagger and cutting a rope that was beside the door.

He opens the door and a bright light shins over my face blinding me. He closes it and there a small period of complete darkness. After I can see I hear swinging. I look back over me and I see a giant pendulum and attached to the bottom that was swinging was a long blade. I hear a click and it swings. Another click and another swing. I remember these things when I was in High School. In English 3 I read a story called The Pit and the Pendulum where this man was caught by the Spanish Inquisition and found himself caught under a giant pendulum. Never thought I’d find myself in the same situation. The blade had to be about six feet above me and if I’m correct the pendulum will take its first cut of flesh in…… damn it, can’t think. My mind starts to race. Where am I? How the hell do I get out of here? How the hell do I get out of this death trap? Where are Enrique and that other guy? Are they dead? Did everyone in the busses get away? I hope Sarah and Jack are alright.

I try to yank at the chain with my right hand to break it. Nothing is happening and I notice that each chain link had to be at least an inch thick. Whatever happened to me when they took me, it’s making my head go numb and incoherent. It’s going to be a pain breaking these chains. It’s going to be a bigger pain if I don’t. I’m going to have to wait until my head goes back to normal before I can break out. I just hope it happens soon, the blade is getting closer, fast. Or at least it seems like it. Is the blade going faster or am I going nuts? No way, I’ve only been in here for a couple minutes. Or have I. Argh can’t think!

The pendulum is getting close. It was to be at least two feet over me. My head is starting to feel better but I don’t think I have enough time. I got to try to rush it. I pull at the chain as hard as I can. It was so close I could see the shine of the blade off the candle light. It was about a foot away now, I need to hurry. I start to get desperate and start banging it at the stone while yanking. I see the chain starting to break. Six inches. The chain is half way broken. Three inches. The chain is almost broken. One inch. The chain breaks, I lean over to get the other chain off my wrist and I see the blade coming. I lay down, the blade swings and make a long thin cut across my chest.

“Arghh!” I yell leaning over to the chain breaking the wrist holder and leaning over my legs just when the blade makes another swing.

That was close. I quickly break the chain holding my legs and I get off the stone bed. My head started to pound in pain. Pills, I need those pain pills. I look around the cold, damp room to find something I could use as a weapon. Nothing was there.

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