Chap. 4

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Seth POV

When I rushed back inside my house after about a half an hour’s worth of shopping, I was greeted with the most bizarre sight that I’ve ever seen. Laying down on the ground with a mass of papers and maybe ten thousands crayons was my very own little Clarianna.

And Leah.

On the ground.


With someone that had been an absolute guarantee for her to hate.

I didn’t have the time to stand there with a dumbfounded look as I had wanted to, because as soon as I had opened the door all the way, Clarianna shot up like a rocket and hurled herself into my arms. I couldn’t help but to cuddle her a bit, but I still couldn’t take my eyes off my sister. Leah blinked at Clarianna’s “disappearance” and then looked up and spotted me. And then things got even stranger.

Leah smiled. SMILED. AT.  ME.  (?!?!?!)

Or, at the very least, in my general direction. WHICH ALSO HAPPENED TO BE CLARIANNA’S DIRECTION.

She stood up and brushed the dust off of her knees. She started to walk towards me and Clarianna, but I quickly sprinted to the kitchen and put the island in between us. I lifted my arm that wasn’t busy holding Clarianna and pointed a finger at Leah.

“S-stay back, you! I don’t know if you’re an imposter or just sick, Leah, but I can help you, but only if you calmly explain the situation and—“

Leah disappeared for a second mid-speech and I felt a very normal, Leah-like punch hit the side of my head. I turned to see a look on my sister’s face that also looked very Leah-like.

I sighed in relief. “Sheesh, for a minute there, I thought I was in real trouble. What was I supposed to say to mom when she came home? Sorry, mom, I left Leah alone with the girl of my dreams and her brain began to completely go haywire—“


“…. You know, your punches… actually kinda hurt.”

“Good. It’s always nice to know that your pathetically miniscule brain can still understand pain, because it doesn’t seem to understand anything else.”

“If I leave and come back in, will you turn back into Creepy Smiley Faced Leah again?” I asked hopefully.

Making a grab for the bag full of kiddie stuff, Leah shot back at me, “How ‘bout you just leave and not come back?” She opened the bag, walked over to the couch and dumped everything onto it. I shuffled Clarianna into a more comfortable position in my arms and her head slid up into the hollow of my neck again. I stepped over to where Leah was picking up the clothes I’d bought.

It was just a simple top and skirt, a bit large because I hadn’t known the necessary sizes. There were also little flip flops, a small comb, some little hair bands, and underwear. Leah picked up the underwear and smirked. “At least you remembered the panties.”

I felt like I blushed to the roots of my hair. I coughed once and said, “I, uh, almost didn’t. I had to ask a worker what the normal things for a kid around her age were and she helped me get everything down right. Next time, you two are going. Do you know how awkward it is for a sixteen year old guy to go out and pick up a pair of teddy bear panties for a three year old?”

I shuddered again at the memory.

Leah just rolled her eyes and smirked at my pain. She tore off the tags and held her arms out at me.

I stared at her.

She raised an eyebrow and gestured again, and then comprehension finally dawned on me. I quickly handed Clarianna over to Leah and sheepishly turned my back as they managed to dress her. When Leah gave the signal, I turned back around and just barely had enough time to remember Clarianna’s habit of jumping. As I caught her, she giggled and bounced, then wrapped her arms my neck. I smiled down at her.

“You’re a real jumper, huh, Clari baby?” She giggled again and cuddled closer. I put both arms around her and held her tightly for a brief moment. I closed my eyes and breathed in her sweet, child-like scent. Sighing, I looked back up at Leah, who was watching us and smiling.

I cannot begin to describe to you the amount of uneasiness that spread throughout my body, seeing Leah smile.

Searching for something else to think about, I asked her, “So, how did you two… you know… manage to, umm, click?”

“I’ve got no clue. I only know that she did something amazing,” Leah sighed with a vacant look in her eye.

“Ummmm. Care to elaborate?” From the silence I got on her part, I assumed that was a no. I looked down to Clari and bounced her gently. “How ‘bout you, hmm? Gonna suddenly sprout a translator?” She giggled and jumped up and down on my hip. Another no. Sighing, I headed to the front door, calling behind me, “Time to head over to the Cullens’ house.”

I took another step forward and stopped as I heard a little “umnf!” noise coming from Clari. I looked at her and she gestured at the floor. Confused, I set her down and she tottered over to the papers on the floor. When she got there, she picked up her little satchel she’d first had when I met her. Funny. I didn’t see it there before. But then again, I was a little too shocked to focus on the little things.

After she slid the thin shoulder strap on, she gave a little tug on it to make sure it was secure. That action alone almost ripped my heart into shreds. She was acting like a miniature adult. Someone who had to think of the future, had to remember the past and account for it. Someone who was used to take care of themselves and even others. I knew that she acted that way for a reason. Everyone is who they are because of the circumstances of their lives.

She wasn’t just acting all grown up. She was forced to take the role when she was left without someone who would do it himself.

I made a promise to myself just then. I promised that she will never have to grow up prematurely, she will never have to fend for herself again, and she will never, ever be alone again. I will be her brother, her savior, her friend, her everything.

She will never be hurt again, in any way, shape or form. Anyone who tries will receive the vengeance of the pack… but even more fatal, they will have me to contend with.

I finally realized exactly how deep our bond, how important, how strong it is. The revelation knocked my breath right outta me, and almost threatened to knock my legs right out from under me.

I will kill to assure Clarianna’s safety. I will, and gladly so. Just so long as she stays safe…

A small hand slid into mine and broke me out of my reverie. I blinked and looked down to big, blue eyes and a worried smile. I gently squeezed her hand to let her know that everything is okay. I gave her a small smile and leaned over to pick her up. As I did, I gave her a peck on the forehead.  She giggled and tossed her hair back as she sat up to give me a peck of my own. It made me smile for real this time.

I looked back over my shoulder at Leah and asked, “All ready now?”

Leah gave me a half-smirk as she rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck. “Seth, I’m always ready for the shit to hit the fan at the Cullens’ house. We’ve saved their butts plenty of times. Only seems fair that we bring our problems to’em, too.”

Seth Clearwater Imprinted With TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now