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"Hey guys! I'm here with my close friend, Sonic the Hedgehog." I signal towards Sonic.

"Hey. We're here today to answer a few questions about us." Sonic gave his signature smile.

I pulled out a few cards, that has your questions on them.

"Now, before we answer these, I just want to let everyone know that there is some creepy stuff on the internet, and I am not going to skip out on a question just because it is inappropriate." I chuckled.

I averted my eyes to the card in front of me and read it aloud.

"This question is from: SonicCrash1997Addict (video game central).

Dear Mickinzee and Sonic,

Do you guys ever go on adventures together?"

"Uh, yeah! We try to do it as much as we can, I mean just last, Mickinzee, and the gang went camping up in green hill." Sonic replied.

"But we don't usually go on rescue missions, if that's what your asking..." I added.

"Oh, right. It's usually just us guys when we do that." Sonic chuckled.

I flipped to the next card.

"This one is from: Cutetest Hedgehog Girl (Vine).

Dear Mickinzee,

Hi. I like your Vines and I've heard of your "Soninzee" fandom. I was wondering, does Sonic have feelings for you back?" My voice trailed off as I got farther down the question.

Sonic and I sat in silence. His ears were up in curiosity and he was giving me his famous "feelings, huh?" grins.

"Uh...This question was intended for me, that's a touchy question." I started fiddling with my thumbs, " answer that question, I would have to know how Sonic felt...and that all depended if I do have feelings for him." I stuttered, hoping for a distraction.

"Uh, I can answer this one." Sonic interrupted, my ears perked up.

"You can?!" I asked.

"Mickinzee has been in my life since I...We we're six. And to not have feelings for someone who has been someone's life for that kinda impossible." He smiled.

"That..was a horrible answer." I laughed. "That's so cheesy!" Sonic laughed it off.

I flipped to the next card, still giggling.

"This one is from: SoninzeeIZmagic (wattpad).

Dear Sonic and Mickinzee,

I'm a huge fan of both of you! And I just needed to know..! Who gave you that Sonic...doll. And...uh, Sonic, how do you feel about the doll." stuttered with embarrassment.

"HOW DO PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THAT?!" I exclaimed. "Uh, I mean...pfft, what doll?" I laughed nervously.

Sonic rolled his eyes at me, I hid my face in my leather jacket.

"I'll just answer the second one, while Mickinzee gets her story straight...To be completely honest, I used to find the doll a bit unnecessary, because I would've gladly slept with Mickinzee........THAT CAME OUT ENTIRELY WRONG..!" Sonic laughed.

"But then I got used to the fact that the little guy was there, I mean if Mickinzee's happy...Im happy." Sonic blushed.

"And also..." I added from inside my jacket, "I don't know how you guys know about him....IM MEAN IT...but uhh, I honestly don't know where it came from. After my mom and dad left, I didn't have anyone, but than I found him on the side of the street and just decided he was mine...forever."

Sonic gave me a satisfied smile. I awkwardly cleared my throat and flipped to the next question.

"This one is from: Shadow the Hedgehog@official (Twitter).

Dear Mickinzee,

When are you gonna ditch that faker and kick it with the ultimate life form?" I laughed awkwardly, Sonic didn't.

"And a 'hello' to you Shadow, I would gadly...

"NO..!" Sonic interrupted. he grabbed the cards and flipped to the next question.

"This question is from: RoyalEmeralds998703 (Twitter)." Sonic read out loud.

"Hey Sonic, what's the deal with Amy?" I couldn't help but gag at her name.

Sonic scratched his head.

"Uh...I don't understand the question. Are you asking why we don't hang out or...? Well if that is what you meant then, the reason I don't like to hang out with her is because she just gets too crazy, and over reacts at times. And, the whole, "we're dating" thing is not true." Sonic stated.

I leaned back in my chair and smiled. I pulled the cards out of his hands and flipped to the next question.

"This one is from: Shadougekiller (Twitter)

Dear Mickinzee and Sonic,

Why are there so many Soninzee supporters?" I read.

Sonic and I exchanged looks and laughed.

"This is actually a question I get a lot. I think it's because there are a lot of anti sonamy fans, and new Sonic fans...that enjoy it...I don't know why. I'm actually surprised Soninzee leaked out on the internet." I smiled.

I cleared my throat, "This one is from: anonymous (twitter).

Dear Mickinzee,

Have you and Sonic ever did 'it'..."

Sonic petted down his quills.

"Uhh...No, I'm pretty sure." We laughed.

"I guess the inappropriate questions are coming up." I examined the other questions.

My face turned red. I flipped through the questions, I was trying to get to a clean one. I just kept flipping.

"Uh...well, we will answer these questions next time. But for now, if you have any questions please write them in the comments, and you can find me on Twitter, Facebook, Video Game Central, and as always Wattpad."

"See you later." Sonic waved goodbye.

Ask Sonic and Mickinzee (Questions and Answers)Where stories live. Discover now