Mr. and Mrs. Imperfect

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Hello to the world of Wattpad! Here is another book for ya'll! I hope you guys like it. Picture of Blake above!



 Katie Reynolds is the most popular and well liked person at school. Being the head cheerleader, having the friends, looks, boyfriend, and supposed money, she seems like the definition of perfect. That couldn't be farther from the truth. She may appear to be rich but really, she has to work everyday after school just to help put food on the table for her family.

The notorious Chase Parker is the resident bad boy. He is big, scary, and avoided by everyone. He lives alone and has to fend for himself.

When they both get a job at the same local restaurant, they have to learn to work together in order to keep their jobs. With those two working so close together, they are bound to fall in love.

Through their ups and downs, they make Mr. and Mrs. Imperfect.


Chapter 1


"OK girls, that's it for today!  You all did a fantastic job! See you tomorrow!" I called to the group of girls who were panting like crazy. I smile to myself and head over to pack up my cheer leading things. All of the sudden there is a pair of arms picking me up around the waist and spinning me around. I laugh in glee and this 'mystery person' sets me down. I turn around to see my amazing boyfriend, Blake, grinning like an idiot. He is so adorable.

"Babe, I missed you so much!" he says. I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Blake, you saw me last period!" I giggle. 

"So I cant miss my girlfriend?" He asks, putting a hand to his chest, feigning hurt. I fake a serious look and shake my head. A mischievous glint forms in his eyes.

"Well I guess we'll just have to do something about that then." he says taking slow but deliberate steps toward me. And then he juts his hands out, tickling my sides, completely catching me off guard. I fall to the ground in a fit of giggles and he hovers above me still jabbing my sides. Eventually he stops and we just stay like that; me laying on my back and him hovering over me, us staring into each others eyes. 

He starts to lean in but before he can do anything, we hear a disgusted groan coming from the gym doors. We hastily sit up, almost knocking heads in the process. Blake and I look over to the double doors and see none other then Chase Parker leaning against the door frame, giving us an exasperated look.

"If you two 'love birds' don't mind, I have some business to take care of in here, so beat it." he says. Blake glares at him and stands up, bringing me up with him.

"We can be in here if we want to. Cheer leading practice?" I say, gesturing to my uniform. He gives me a bored look.

"Yeah well dumb-blonde-slut-practice is over so," he uses his thumb to gesture to the door, "out." Giving him the deadliest glare I can muster and I stalk out of the room, Blake right on my heels. 

"That little-" I start to say but Blake's hand covers my mouth before I can finish. I give him a confused look and he just smiles at me.

"I don't want anything ugly coming out of that beautiful mouth of yours." he says sweetly. I roll my eyes at him and remove his hand from my mouth. He uses that opportunity to intertwine our fingers and kiss my hand. I blush at the gesture. We begin to walk down the hall before I realize that final period already began. I stop short.

"Hey, Blake?" I say tentatively. 

He turns to me with raised eyebrows. "What's up, babe?" he asks.

I begin to play with our intertwined fingers. "Well since last period already you think maybe we could...ditch?" I ask, waiting to see what his reaction will be.

A huge grin spreads across his face and he picks me up and twirls me around. "I'm rubbing off on you! This is so great!" he says, still grinning like a maniac. "That's debatable." I mutter under my breath. He laughs and joins our hands together again.

"So where do you wanna go?" he asks, rubbing circles over my knuckles, giving me shivers.

"We should get food before I have to start my shif- I mean before I have to start heading to pick my brother up." I falter, but luckily he doesn't catch my slip-up. I breath a sigh of relief.

We get to his car and head to Jimmy's, the local restaurant that all the kids at school hang out at. We walk in and are immediately hit by the delicious smell of fried food. I breathe in the amazing smell and let out a contented sigh. We sit down at booth by the window and a waitress walks over to our table.

"What can I get you to drink?" she asks, smiling flirtatiously at Blake.

"I would like a Dr. Pepper. What about you, babe?" Blake says, turning towards me. The waitress, just realizing that I was there, scowls at me.

"Coke, please." I say politely.

"Are you sure you don't want a diet coke, sweetie. It might do you some good." the waitress says oh-so-sweetly. I glare at her and so does Blake. The snobby waitress just rolls her eyes and walks off with our drink orders

Blake looks over at me, concerned. "You know are beautiful, right? She was just jealous of you, so don't let her get to you." he reassures me. I smile at him and nod and he smiles back. Soon enough the waitress comes back with our drinks and we order our food. I order the chicken salad and Blake orders the double cheeseburger with fries. We wait patiently for our food, sitting in a comfortable silence.

Our food finally arrives and we both start shoveling it into our mouths, still not talking. That's what I like about being with Blake. We can be around each other and not have to talk but then, when we want to talk, we don't have trouble striking up an interesting conversation. 

Blake looks up at me and smiles. "What are you thinking about?" he asks.

I smile back and shrug my shoulders. "I'm just thinking about how amazing it is to be with you." I say truthfully. His smile grows wider and he leans across the table and gives me soft peck on the lips.

"Its amazing to be with you too." he says. I'm just about to say something back, when there comes a familiar groan of disgust. 

"Why is it everywhere I go, I get bombarded with sappy couple moments?" Chase groans again. I just roll my eyes and glance at my watch.

"Shit! Its 3:45! I'm going to be late for my shif- I mean brother. Sorry, but I have to go Blake." I say frantically, hoping again that he doesn't notice my slip-up. He gives me a sad smile.

"Okay. I'll drive you back to school so we can get your car." he says. He pays for our food and we start to head out. Just as we are about to head out the door, Chase catches my eye. His eyebrows are raised and I'm guessing he heard what I was about to say before I caught myself. I look away and rush out the door, making an effort not to look back at the building we had just left. 

The Colorado air fills my lungs and I relax instantly. Being outside always has that effect on me. We jump into Blake's car and head back to school to retrieve my not-too-shabby-looking convertible. I bought it from a junk yard and I eventually saved up enough money to get it fixed up.

Blake drops me off in front of my car and before I get out, he gives me soft kiss that makes me smile. I hop out of his car and into mine. I start it up and head to work.The one place that I actually hate.

A thought comes to mind as it always does when I head to my job. Please don't let anyone see me.


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