Drunken Words

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This is the drama chapter! Prepare yourself...


Chapter 16:


"I just feel so empty inside. I thought I'd get over by now, but I just can't." Katie says, staring at her hands as we sit cross legged on her bed. I take her hands in mine, and she looks into my eyes.

"It's going to be okay. I know what you are going through." I squeeze her knuckles. She gives me a confused look and slips her hands from my grasp.

"How could you possibly know how I feel? Just because your parents don't visit you, doesn't mean they're dead!" She says harshly. I'm a bit taken aback by her statement. But, knowing that she is hurting, I try to brush it off.

"I know that it isn't exactly the same case, but I do know what it feels like to be abandoned." I say softly. She catches my eye and scoffs in disbelief.

"At least there's a chance they will come back for you," she angrily shoots back. I can feel myself starting to get angry, I wonder why she is discounting my situation. I stand up from the bed and clench my hands into fists at my sides.

"I was just trying to comfort you and let you know that you are not alone in this. But if you are going to be a little bi*ch, then I guess I should leave." I raise my voice.

"Fine!" she yells. I storm out of the room, and slam the door behind me. I stand outside, furiously running my hands through my hair. The anger coursing through me could be quickly eased with a couple of shots. I walk over to the local bar and sauntered into the building. Girls immediatley swarm around me, and I think that none of them would ever compare to Katie. I push my way through the crowd and strut to the bar.

I tell the bartender what I want and he leaves to mix the drink. A redhead with a small waist and big eyes comes up to me and runs her hand down my chest.

"Hey, baby. Wanna go somewhere more private?" she purrs. I am so upset that I don't even think about the consequencee that will follow what I'm about to do. I hope it will get Katie off of my mind.



I decide that I should go find him since after allunch everything is my fault. I grab my coat and head out the door. Once I'm out the door, I turn in the direction of the bar knowing that that was most likely the way he headed.

Walking down the street at night is a bit creepy but I try to not think about it as I head down the road. A few moments later, I see a figure stumbling towards me that looks vaguely like Chase. When the person comes closer, I see that it is actually is Chase. I run towards him, yelling his name.

"Chase!" I cry, coming to a halt in front of him. "Chase I'm so so- Chase?" His eyes are glassy and he had a deep scowl on his face.

"Chase, what's wrong?" I ask. he let's out a harsh laugh an glares down at me.

"Like you actually care. All you care about is talking about you." he snaps.

"That's not true! Look Chase, I know I was being insensitive earlier and I'm sorry. I just miss them." I say. he rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Well I bet they don't miss you. In fact, I bet they're glad that they got to get away from you." he says snottily. I feel tears prick at the corner of my eyes, threatening to spill over at his harsh words.

"That's a lie." I say, my voice cracking.

"Is it?" he asks with a smug smile. I furiously wipe away the tears that are spilling over my cheeks. I know he's drunk but you know what they say: a drunk's words are a sober's thoughts.

I turn my back to him and start to run across the road.

But that was before I saw the headlights.

I am a horrible human being for not updating, I know. I promise the next update won't take as long!

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