Late Night Visits

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Chapter 20:


"KATIE REYNOLDS YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!" Tessa yells as she bursts through her bedroom door. I sigh and set down the cup of tea I was just about to take a sip of.

"I know, I know." I say. I figured that she would be wanting some answers after coming back from retrieving my things from Chase's apartment.

"Spill. Now." she demands. I swivel around in my wheelchair to face her. It takes me about 3 minutes to tell her the whole story of that night.

"Damn. What a douchebag." she mutters but I can still hear her. I nod my head in agreement.

"But, you know, Katie. You should at least talk to the guy. I mean when I went over there, he looked so lost and broken." she says. I scoff and gesture down to my right leg which is encased in a itchy cast.

"Yeah. Right. He's the one broken." 

"That's not what I meant and you know it." she says, giving me a pointed look. 

"Fine. But can we talk about this in the morning? I just want to wrap myself in a blanket and watch some movies." I whine. She rolls her eyes but nods anyways. She walks downstairs to grab some movies and popcorn.

After 5 minutes she comes back with an armful of movies and snacks. Once we both are settled in, Tessa presses play on the movie and we watch Ferris Bueller take a day off.


I don't remember dozing off but I do know why I woke up. The tapping at the window persists. Glancing over at the lump wrapped in blankets, I can see that Tessa is still asleep. That girl is like a rock when she sleeps.

Careful not to jostle her, I get up and hobble towards the balcony door, peering out of it. At first, I don't see anything but then my eyes focus in the dark and I see a face staring back at me. I jump about 12 feet in the air (which, by the way, I would not reccomend if you have a broken leg) and hide behind Tessa's nightstand. 

The door slowly opens and a dark figure walks in. He looks around and spots me cowering in the corner. He comes and kneels in front of me, reaching his hand. By now, I'm on the verge of tears become I'm so scared. 

"Please, don't kill me." I whimper. I hear a soft chuckle and a warm, familiar hand caresses my face. 

"Chase?" I whisper.

"Yeah." he says back. Without warning, my arms go around him and I bury my face in his chest.

"Oh thank god. I thought you were some axe murderer and I would never live to see graduation!" I say. He laughs again and I can feel the vibrations against my forehead. Then I remember that this is Chase, the one who said all that stuff to me and part of the reason for my broken leg. I pull back from him and finally look at his face. He has bags under his eyes and they aren't full of life as they usually are. Overall, he just looks awful.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, making it all messy.

"I came to talk to you. I knew that if I tried to come during the day, Tessa would chase me down the street with a stick." he mutters. I nod my head because that is exactly what she would do. He takes one of my hands and covers it with both of his, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Katie, I'm so sorry. I was such an asshole for saying those things to you and an even bigger one for not coming to see you in the hospital. Can you forgive me?" he says. I search his eyes and see that he is telling the truth. But then I shake my head and cast my eyes downwards.

"Chase I...I just need time to think okay?" I say. He nods but visibly doesn't like my decison. Then he gets up and walks towards Tessa's desk, grabs something, and then walks back. Then he proceeds to write something on my cast. I try to read it but it's too dark. When I look up again, he's gone and I'm left alone.


In the morning, Tessa decides that we should make pancakes. She helps me downstairs and seats me on one of the stools next to the island with my leg propped up on another one. 

As she cooks, she glances over at me.

"Hey, what's that on your cast?" she asks. Suddenly remembering what had happened the night before, I look down at my cast. My eyes widen and my heart warms when I read what is written in his messy scrawl.

'I love you"



JKJKJKJK I'm not that evil. Anyways, hope you liked this chapter! 

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